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SourcesAugust 30, 2022
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How confusing is the rainbow spectrum? Canada--the gayest country in North America--can't even settle on what to call the gays. We dive into the latest acronym atrocities. There's also an FBI agent who "resigned," and it may have to do with Hunter Biden. And did Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers tell everyone to vote Republican?
2SLGBT?! THE LEFT CAN'T GET THEIR QUEER ACRONYMS STRAIGHT! | Louder with Crowderwww.youtube.com
- This weekend on Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers had some interesting takes on the NFL’s insane COVID virtue signaling. SOURCE: Twitter
- Rodgers continued explaining how COVID protocols make absolutely no sense. SOURCE: Twitter
- Let’s take a look at the evolution of COVID virtue signaling over the past couple of years.
THEN: Aaron Rodgers was ripped for his stance on masks and vaccines. SOURCE: YouTube
- NOW: The CDC’s new COVID recommendations literally say: SOURCE: Twitter
- “Unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people.”
- YouTube also recently removed a policy that stopped users from questioning the effectiveness of masks. SOURCE: Twitter
THEN: CNN COVID expert, Dr. Leanna Wen, shamed those who don’t wear masks and called the unvaccinated untrustworthy. SOURCE: YouTube
- NOW: Dr. Wen changed her stance and now says masks are a personal choice, and her kids won’t be wearing them. SOURCE: WashintonPost
- "Masking has harmed our son’s language development, and limiting both kids’ extracurriculars and social interactions would negatively affect their childhood and hinder my and my husband’s ability to work."
THEN: The UK.gov health department quietly published that the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine should not be taken by breastfeeding mothers. SOURCES: WebarchiveUK.gov2020, WebArchiveCDC.gov2020
- But ALSO THEN: American CDC stated breastfeeding mothers ‘may choose’ to be vaccinated.
- NOW: The UK has EXACTLY the same guidance as back in 2020. SOURCES: UK.gov, CDC
- BUT ALSO now, the CDC strongly endorses its safety for breastfeeding moms.
- On Sunday, Justin Trudeau announced a new $100M action plan to support the 2SLGBTQI+ community.
- Oh, shoot, that was the wrong clip. Here’s the right one. SOURCE: YouTube
- Trudeau noted of the program: SOURCE: CBC
- “75 percent of the funding will go toward community organizations focused on diversity and inclusion because that's "where the real work of support comes from."
- 2SLGBT of course stands for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and additional sexual
- Trudeau noted of the program: SOURCE: CBC
- CBC heralded the plan as ‘historic’ for the 2SLGBT community. SOURCE: CBC
- Wait, they must be mistaken, Trudeau clearly announced the plan was for the 2SLGBTQI+ community.
- CBC forgot the QI+, the most important part.
- Luckily, in the very next paragraph, they corrected their error and explained: SOURCE: CBC
- “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the strategy, dubbed "Canada's first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," at a news conference on Sunday ahead of the Pride parade in Ottawa — the first in-person march after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19”
- But then five paragraphs later they used the acronym 2SLGBT again. SOURCE: CBC
- Overall, the article switches back and forth four times! SOURCE: CBC
- Overall, the article switches back and forth four times! SOURCE: CBC
- However, this ‘mistake’ isn’t unique to the CBC.
- AUGUST HILL ARTICLE: randomly rotated between the use of LGBT and LGBTQ in an August article about Monkeypox. SOURCE: TheHill
- AUGUST CNN ARTICLE: about drag queen storytime in England randomly used both LGBTQ and LGBTQ+. SOURCE: CNN
- But according to GLAAD, the correct acronym is actually LGBTQIA+. SOURCE: ABC10
- Back in 2015, I crashed the Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival, and I used LGBTAAIP… as a JOKE. SOURCE: YouTube
- CONCLUSION: They can’t even keep their own acronyms straight, but they demand your compliance.
- Speaking of LGBTQ idiots, that brings us to our diversity hire of the week!
- Novak Djokovic, easily the world’s greatest tennis player, has been refused entry to the US due to his unvaccinated status. SOURCE: ESPN
- Karine Jean-Pierre was asked why illegals are welcome to enter the country unvaccinated but the world’s greatest tennis player isn’t. SOURCE: Twitter
- She didn’t answer the question, but she at least tries her best to the second time. SOURCE: Twitter
- This woman is terrible at her job.
- Never mind. It’s because she’s a black lesbian.
- Nature magazine published a new guideline on August 18 that completely destroys the ability to conduct scientific research. SOURCE: Nature
- Academic freedom can justify all woke indoctrination in universities but not actual research? SOURCE: Nature
- “Although academic freedom is fundamental, it is not unbounded.”
- Feelings matter more than truth? SOURCE: Nature
- “[People] can be harmed indirectly. For example, research may — inadvertently — stigmatize individuals or human groups. It may be discriminatory, racist, sexist, ableist or homophobic. It may provide justification for undermining the human rights of specific groups, simply because of their social characteristics.”
- “[Potential] harms to the populations studied may outweigh the benefit of publication.”
- No published research for:
- Gender/Sexuality
- Obesity
- Racially linked diseases (i.e. sickle cell)
- Any disabilities
- Sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, HIV, Monkeypox)
- Gun violence
- Academic freedom can justify all woke indoctrination in universities but not actual research? SOURCE: Nature
- So, “science” is just leftist opinion now!
- Must worry about the feelings of microbes. SOURCE: Nature
- “These guidelines apply to studies involving humans, vertebrate animals and cell lines.”
- Most thrilled about this is the National Center for Queer Spirulina.
- Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault abruptly resigned amidst accusations of political bias. SOURCE: WashingtonTimes
- According to reports by the Washington Times, Thibault was forced to leave.
- In July, Thibault was named in a letter from Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley to FBI director Chris Wray and AG Merrick Garland. SOURCE: ChuckGrassley
- “Whistleblowers allege that [...] Timothy Thibault disregarded agency guidelines requiring substantial factual predication to trigger investigations, while declining to move forward with other investigations despite proper predication.”
- Whistleblowers also stated Thibault portrayed the Hunter Biden laptop as disinformation, even when information was verified. SOURCE: ChuckGrassley
- The right is celebrating Thibault’s departure, but that seems unwarranted.
- Did Director Wray not have any idea what Thibault was doing?
- The entire FBI is corrupt.
- They can claim they’ve cleaned house.
- CONCLUSION: It’s likely that Thibault is nothing more than a scapegoat for the corrupt FB
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