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UncategorizedAugust 06, 2015
72 Years Later, Liberals Still Angry that USA Won WWII...
To refresh memories, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941—killing 2,403 and injuring 1,178 Americans—without formally declaring war. Yeah... those little bastards.
In eventual retaliation, the USA, under Democrat president Harry Truman, dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, securing Japanese defeat and ending the Pacific theater of World War II. Truman estimated that half a million American lives were saved by dropping the bomb.
But the left doesn’t want to focus on victories (especially American victories), or pesky details like who started the war, or what the Japanese were doing to American POWs or the Chinese. No, leftists are using this anniversary to point out what a horrible thing nuclear war is and how we shouldn’t blow stuff up or kill people with nukes. I disagree. You just need to be killing the right people with nukes.
Setsuko Thurlow, a Hiroshima survivor writes:
“Within that single flash of light, my beloved Hiroshima became a place of desolation, with heaps of skeletons and blackened corpses everywhere. Of a population of 360,000 -- largely non-combatant women, children and elderly -- most became victims of the indiscriminate massacre of the atomic bombing.”
Granted that’s scary as hell, but no one has ever said war was pretty.
The fact is, nations start wars and other nations fight back. The nation who kills the most people and blows up the most stuff is the winner of the war. In the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atomic bomb blew stuff up and killed people much faster than more traditional bombing runs or invasions.
And that’s what makes nuclear warfare so “wrong.” It wasn’t “fair” that the USA attacked Japan so efficiently, killed people that quickly, and blew stuff up in a flash of light. It doesn't matter that it saved more lives than it killed, it doesn't matter that it was pivotal in ending the expansion and eventual reign of one of the most evil regimes throughout history, all that matters, is that the USA was evilly efficient.
War isn’t about fairness people, it’s about winning and securing peace—which we’ve had with Japan for 70 years.
Post updated December 7, 2019