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CultureJuly 18, 2020
A Company Wants to Encourage Entrepreneurship by Helping Kids with their Lemonade Stands
Small business are struggling. Politicians are deciding what businesses can open and which ones need to close on a whim. Whether or not this is all super important to fight the pandemic or just tyrant elected officials acting like giant buttheads, that's a regular business hours argument. It's the weekend, and I'd like to focus on the rebels who are finding ways around the system (see THIS LOCAL BAR FOUND A BRILLIANT WAY AROUND ANDREW CUOMO'S LATEST TYRANICAL COVID RESTRICTION and TEXAS BAR OWNER IS FED UP WITH COVID SHUTDOWN, FIGHTS WITH 'BAR LIVES MATTER' PROTEST). Like opening your own lemonade stand. Because you're never too young to learn to young that while the dream is free, the hustle is sold seperately.
Country Time Introduces the Littlest Bailoutyoutu.be
Stimulus checks to help kids preserve the values of lemonade stands, honest work, and entrepreneurship, while putting a little juice back into the economy.
So, when life gives you social distancing, you make lemonade!
Personally, I'm more in line with the teachings of possibly one of the greatest philosophers of this generation, Ron White: "When live gives you lemons make lemonade, then find someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party." But we're being all cute and wholesome here, so we won't get in to that right now.
Obviously this is just an ad campaign to sell product, I get that. But anything that encourages work ethic, entrepreneurship, and being your own boss at an early age is totally worth it. Lord knows these kids aren't going to learn this in school. Let's just pray the lessons of government regulations and overreach crippling small businesses don't come until later on in life. That's not until you're least ten-years-old.
Unless you live in New York. In that case, Andrew Cuomo is probably already shutting your stand down and giving you a $2000 fine because your LOL Dolls and Ninja Turtles aren't socially distanced enough.
The Berating Narrator: Even Brendan | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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