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AbortionJanuary 30, 2019
Abortion Was Never About Healthcare. It's Always Been About Money from Murder.
None of us should be surprised that a political ideology which celebrates the murder of unborn children would lie about the reasons they support the murder of unborn children. The left has told us for generations "Abortion is about women's healthcare." We were told, "women need access to abortion." We were told, "abortion is about choice." Abortion proponents also promised us "if we have easier access to birth control, there will be fewer abortions." Which is actually a big fat lie everyone should stop falling for, but so is everything else which comes spilling from the lips of a pro-abortion fiend.
New York and now Virginia have removed all doubt: access to abortion was never about health, choices, science, or whatever happy phrase one may plaster on a bumper sticker, to trash an already cluttered trunk of a 2010 Prius.
For after advancements in science, medicine, and medical technology, increasing the odds a baby born early can survive, the pro-abortion crowd hasn't moved with the times. Abortion advocates will not tolerate the wonders of medicine helping babies survive. Abortionists see such advancements as hindrances, for anything which reveals the true humanity is forbidden. In reaction to medical advancements and the truth it reveals, the pro-abortion monsters who rule above us have taken laws backward. Instead of acknowledging what science has revealed, that unborn children are unique human beings not only from conception, but very early stages of pregnancy, abortionists insist a woman can kill her baby at any time, even if the baby about to be born.
When science and medical advancements clearly paint the unborn person as an unborn person, abortionists take action to ensure the unborn person has no right to life. By reminding that child, and every single pro-life person who advocates on that child's behalf, that abortionists and "mothers" can snuff it whenever they damn well please.
Killing a child at eight months after conception has zero to do with healthcare. Anyone who still believes abortion itself is about a "woman's health" needs their head quickly examined. If you're still echoing the Planned Parenthood talking points, insisting abortion is about women's freedom, women's choice, or women's whatever, you are deluding yourself to dangerous levels of stupidity and possibly evil. Watch Former Planned Parenthood Director Exposes Abortion Lies! (Abby Johnson Uncut)
Abortion is, has, and always will be about money. Money which is then used as political capital. Put more simply: unborn babies die so Democrats can get elected and re-elected. Democrats ascend to power by crushing the fragile bones of unborn children. With smiles on their faces. It is evil. It is disgusting. It needs to be called out every single time a Democrat dares pay lip service to a focus-grouped talking point about abortion. This evil needs to be illuminated by the supposed moral leaders in our society: every single bishop of the Catholic Church, including the Pope himself. Protestant pastors, Jewish rabbis, and Muslim imams must also find common ground on this point: killing unborn children is never permissible. Stand up and fight against those political leaders who ascend to power using the blood money filling their coffers.
Sadly, I know my hope, that moral leaders will lead on morality, is a futile one. Many are too cowardly to buck the powerful abortion wing of politics. And those who aren't cowards are blinded by evil themselves. Read also OPINION: You Cannot Change The Minds of Evil People. Evil People Must Be Defeated.
What a hopeless moment this is.