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ColumnsFebruary 14, 2019
Actually, Feminists, "Strong Women" Don't Degenerate Men. But Weak Women Do...
There are two methods people use to elevate themselves. The first and most effective is to better yourself, be that through honing or learning new skills, becoming more educated, or helping others. You know, elevating yourself by raising others. Call it compassion, goodwill, or being generally decent.
The second method, usually employed by bullies: tearing others down to make yourself seem larger by comparison. Call it being a miserable bitch/asshole. Insult dependent on where one falls on the gender spectrum.
Too many modern third-wave feminists employ the second method, targeting men (usually white men) with the aim of removing men from whatever cause du jour popped up in Grievances Weekly. After baselessly tearing men down, these same feminists go onto brand themselves as "strong women," labeling anyone who opposes them as sexists.
Some recent evidence is in order. Earlier this week, actress Brie Larson made it known she didn't want to see so many white male faces at her press events for Captain Marvel. There was no mention from Brie Larson for wanting the best reporters to cover Captain Marvel, only that the press not be so male. At the press events only, not the audience of her movie. Don't be silly.
Like all modern feminists living in our modern, stupid time, Brie Larson likely considers herself a "strong woman" who's "fighting for equality!" In truth, she's a weak, rude, insufferable sexist bitch who should look upon her face each morning with shame. Not the haughty expression of one who enjoys the pungent odor of her rectal boofs.
A strong woman wouldn't have demanded her press be of a certain race or sex. Brie Larson may think she has good intentions by moving men aside so female reporters can "have a chance" but that sentiment only proves her weakness and belief other women are as weak as she is.
An actual "strong woman" wouldn't call for men to sit back to let the ladies do their lady reporting. A strong woman has amassed a lifetime of experience overcoming obstacles, up to and including healthy competition with men and women alike. When it comes to the business world, men do not have any kind of advantage over women. The playing field is as level as it comes. Which any woman who is not a weak ass, whiny bitch, already knows. Related: Dear Feminists: The Pay Gap Isn't Real. You Just Suck.
A strong woman doesn't eliminate fair and healthy competition. A strong woman smiles upon fair and healthy competition, eager to win whatever title she has in her sights, be that a scholarship, a promotion, or a chance to interview Captain Marvelous Stick Up Her Butt herself.
A strong woman doesn't demand men step aside. She doesn't paint all men with a broad brush assuming all men are knuckle-dragging apes looking to club a woman for his naughty cave time. Nor does she cower when internet strangers call her names. Or boo-hoos about a TSA agent asking her out. Ahem, Brie Larson. She doesn't shrink when baseless insults are lobbed in her fabulous direction, claiming all who hate her are sexists who cannot tolerate a "strong woman." No, a strong woman wipes any frustrated tears she may have, raises her head a little higher, and carries on.
She who demands others fail so that she may "succeed" will never succeed, will never be strong, and will toil in her own weakness.
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