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ArticlesFebruary 16, 2019
Alyssa Milano Tries 'Left-Splaining' the Second Amendment to Gun Owners
With another mass-shooting in the news, you know what that means. A giant, steaming pile of leftist celebs campaigning to relieve us ignorant gun-owners of our deadly lead-slingers. It's for our own good, really. At the forefront of the "grab-em-all" movement is washed up lefty douchenugget, Alyssa Milano.
Here's what she's saying:
Yep, that should pretty much be the end of the debate right there. Except, Miss Who's the Boss thinks playing second fiddle to Tony Danza qualifies her as a constitutional scholar. Cue pathetic anti-gun left-splaining in 3...2...1...
Nope, there's no buts.
Let's see here. "Shall not be infringed." According to my homies over at Google, to "infringe" is to "act so as to limit or undermine (something)." Ipso facto, the left can take their "sensible regulations" and stick 'em right in their heinie-holes.
Oh, but Alyssa doesn't end there. No leftist attempt at gun-grabbing is complete without an obnoxious appeal to emotion:
Uh, her "NoRA" organization's logo is an AR-15 sawed in half. Much like the government does to "deactivate" blasters after a confiscation. This another one of those attempts where the anti-gunners try to assure us they don't want to take our guns, only the "bad people's." Alyssa and her gat-grabbing cronies are taking us for fools.
Why, oh why, didn't Ahnold cut his losses and leave her on that island.
Judging from all the "good guy with a gun" stories we cover on the reg, methinks boomsticks are what makes this country a safer place. Without them, lady-folk and even many an able-bodied gent are at the mercy of homicidal dickweeds. At least with some cold steel in their hands, they stand a chance of not ending up on a slab.
Make no mistake, folks. There's nothing "sensible" about what these lefties are proposing. If we start "meeting them halfway," it won't be long before we need a background check and a three-month waiting period just to own a slingshot. Don't fall for their trickery.
While we're on the subject:
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