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cringeApril 18, 2022
Alyssa Milano Freaks Out Over Boys Being Told 'Take Care of Your Mom,' Cries Sexism When She Trends Over It
Former actress Alyssa Milano ("Poison Ivy 2," "Embrace of the Vampire") has a new career as a Twitter slacktivist. On occasion, when there is nothing to hashtag and she is left to her own devices, she doesn't know how to channel her energy. It comes out in cringetastic ways. She gets confused by simple phrases. She tries racesplaining to black people. One time, she called the cops on a squirrel. This tweet is one of those times: Milano getting upset by manners.
You know how sometimes when you leave the house you say to your kids, "Take care of your mother while I'm gone?" Alyssa Milano wants you to stop doing that.
Can we stop saying to our sons things like: “take care of your mother while I’m gone.”
This is insinuating that women can’t take care of ourselves. And it’s bullshit.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 15, 2022
M'kay. I tell my nieces to take care of their grandmother when I'm gone, so I'm wondering where she's seeing sexism. Perhaps Alyssa Milano could draw me a Venn diagram.
I'm also curious about the impetus for this tweet. I'm picturing her husband leaving to go get a pack of cigarettes, telling their son to take of his mother, and Milano being unable to calm down about it. Then when the husband gets home, he can tell she's in a pissy mood.
"What's the matter?"
That's when the former actress raged on Twitter. I'm not alone in mocking the first-world problemness of it all. Enough people made fun of her she started trending on Twitter. Congratulations, jerks! You just proved her point about misogyny!
Apparently, I trended on Twitter today for tweeting that saying things to our sons like: “take care of your mother,” implies to the son that women are incapable of taking care of themselves.
The fact that this recognition of innate misogyny trended is part of the problem.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 16, 2022
The real victims in this aren't Alyssa Milano or generations of feminism. It's not even her husband and son. The real victims are my fellow Gen-Xers who grew up with Samantha Micelli as our first childhood crush. One day she's opening the door after getting a makeover and saying, "Congratulations, it's a girl," the next, she's lashing out over someone being nice to her. Please, if you do nothing else today, keep Gen-Xers in your thoughts and prayers.
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