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FeminismFebruary 03, 2020
Amber Tamblyn Creates 'Male Ally Manifesto.' Yes, it's Condescending Feminist Garbage!
The modern incarnation of feminism has lingered too long past its expiration date. Making my point for me, the Male Ally Manifesto from Amber Tamblyn, which manages to belittle both men and women while pretending it's somehow a pro-woman screed. Watch and know I've got you on the other side.
Op-Ed: Amber Tamblyn Wrote a 'Male Ally Manifesto' | NowThisyoutu.be
The video above is why I bristle whenever it's assumed third wave feminism speaks for all women. It doesn't. Let me run through some quick hit points on just how this manifesto is nothing but a slap to mature men and women everywhere.
- I would never give a man in my life a book about how they are expected to help "womenkind," with the assumption everything done up until then has been a complete failure. Nor would I expect a man to give a woman a book on how she could help men the world over.
- Demanding men read the emotional room to figure out what women need isn't what men do. It's what women do. Women have greater emotional intelligence than men. This obviously excludes third wave feminists who are stupid. A good rule is, if you need help requiring physicality, ask a man or a group of men for help. If what you need is someone to listen to you and deduce what you need, go to a women's book club with wine. Getting sick and tired of feminists bitching about how men are not women. Which brings me to my next point.
- Demanding men support LGBTQAI women goes against supporting women, as men who say they're women are not women. This is a topic I've covered extensively. So demanding men treat transgenders on equal footing as women is what the kids call "a conflict of interest." You dumb piece of sh*t.
- When Tamblyn insists men tell women how much money they make, then "do something about it" that's where I would have screamed if I were a screamer. I don't need a man to help me out in my career, thanks. I don't need a man to go to bat for me out of pity. Asking a male co-worker to act on your behalf only reinforces the idea that women are weak and can't speak up for themselves. And as a woman who has no problem whatsoever speaking up, screw you Amber Tamblyn. I'm doing fine without your manifesto, and I work in a heavily male environment. Maybe, Amber, if I can address you directly for a second, the women you're used to working with and talking to are just fellow feminists, and therefore weak, whiny, simpering damsels in distress who can't do anything alone. Also THE PAY GAP ISN'T REAL!
- Don't just support "matriarchs" for the sake of promoting women. The "women should support women" mantra is a stupid idea that maybe I'll expand upon later. If it's wrong for men to support men just because PENIS then why isn't it wrong to just support women because VAGINA! How about support the best, regardless of gender, because women can do a damn good job of things in their own ways. Have y'all heard of J.K. Rowling? Oprah? Margaret Thatcher? Heck, Tulsi Gabbard? Carly Fiorina? It's not like women are being oppressed.
- Do not err on the side of women because women. Err on the side of truth. Not "my truth" or "your truth" but the truth. It is condescending that women must be believed because VAGINA. Some women are liars, manipulative, cunning tricksters. You think they're not going to leverage their feminine wiles to get what they want? Also, the reason a lot of women won't just support women because women, we know how women operate. Women aren't stupid. Feminists, on the other hand...
- Where I will kind of give Amber a pass and say she's maybe got a point is when men see other men harassing women. Of all the things Tamblyn said, this was the only semi-reasonable point lost in a tangle of garbage. It goes to the "Hey, ma'am, is this guy bothering you?" kind of chivalry from days gone by. It goes to the "men hold other men accountable" point I often hear from good men. So fine. One point out of seven is kind of right.
What Tamblyn wants is for men to listen to women. To hear our "plight" as it were. It's rather hard for men to listen to feminists like this when you insult their intelligence, insult women's intelligence, insult a woman's ability to speak and act on her own behalf, then at the same time demand women are equal to men and men need to behave as if women are equal to men. In fact this entire thing, while demanding men listen, just provided a multitude of mixed signals. How are men supposed to listen if they're not getting a consistent message?
I'm tired. Can we just be done with third-wave feminism now?
~Written by Courtney Kirchoff
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