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CultureAugust 03, 2021
American Medical Association is About to Cave to Anti-Science Gender Extremists
"Do no harm" is supposedly some kind of creed adopted by those who identify as doctors and medical practitioners. But in 2021, the new philosophy the American Medical Association will live by is instead "screw biological reality." Because facts are offensive to the feelings of a select few in our society of sissy-la-la-bedwetters, the AMA is about ready to amputate sex from birth certificates. But don't worry you transphobe, the sex designation is only being wiped from the public portion of the birth certificate. For now.
Hat tip to National Review for pulling this information:
Vital statistics data is a fundamental source of health information. In the U.S., the Standard Certificates of Live Birth form is the primary means by which uniformity of data collection and processing is achieved. Birth certificates, on the other hand, are issued by the government to individuals as proof of birth. Sex designation, as collected through the standard form and included on the birth certificate, refers to the biological difference between males and females. Today, the majority of states (48) and the District of Columbia allow people to amend their sex designation on their birth certificate to reflect their individual gender identities, but only 10 states allow for a gender-neutral designation, typically "X," on the birth certificate.
Existing AMA policy recognizes that every individual has the right to determine their gender identity and sex designation on government documents. To protect individual privacy and to prevent discrimination, U.S. jurisdictions should remove sex designation on the birth certificate.
This is silly. If you're a transgendered person, you should also find this silly and get a little more vocal in saying so. Much of the burden lies on y'all to speak up for your community. That is in fact if you're not as fragile as cream puffs sitting out on a hot summer patio. Yes of course I realize that insult is a bit mild, but you tell me you're not getting the picture.
Birth certificates, heck, any certificate, heck, any documentation of anything biological or medical should be reflective of biology. There should be a few things that do not change with the times, and those things include established, settled science. Yes, human beings being male or female is settled science. Rather like the force keeping you seated rather than floating away. You know. Gravity. It's also settled.
You're absolutely free to wish to be the opposite sex. You're absolutely free to find it unfair you were born a man when you feel like a pretty lady. No one is saying everyone should be happy with the lot they were dealt. Why couldn't I have been blessed with a super fast metabolism allowing me to treat my stomach like a garbage disposal while my thighs remained thin? It's just wrong, I tell you. But just as I don't petition the medical community to redefine how calories are expended so that I might eat cake every day without needing my floors reinforced, so should no one ask the AMA to nix sex designations because boo-hoo reality sucks. Nor should the AMA melt like a cream puff when people whine.
What's the point in medical institutions if they're more concerned with feelings than medical facts and medical practice? It's an honest question.
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