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PoliticsDecember 30, 2021
Best of 2021: People Hate Anthony Fauci and Here's Why
After the year we’ve had, there are so many reasons to despise so many people. Randi Weingarten worked tirelessly to keep schools closed indefinitely, Attorney General Merrick Garland sicked the FBI on parents (or as he knows them, “domestic terrorists”), and speaking of alphabet organizations, the CIA spent over a decade protecting pedophiles! But if there’s one household name that when whispered can make one’s blood immediately start boiling, it’s Anthony “I’m the Science” Fauci. And here are the top five reasons why his New Year’s resolution should be to go right on ahead and f*ck himself!
5.) Fauci refuses to let go of masks.
I’ll never understand why anyone actually thought the masks were a good idea. I suppose people love their little illusions (delusions) that make them feel better. Certainly, Fauci loves them. He adores masks and the fear they manage to keep stoking so much that even late into 2021, even after vaccines and boosters and treatments have been developed, this chode refuses to say the proles can take off their masks and breathe fresh air again!
Anthony Fauci Refuses To Say It’s Safe For VACCINATED Americans To Be Inside Without A Maskyoutu.be
4.) Tony is an incorrigible, disreputable liar!
Unelected bureaucrats are some of the worst people alive. This is just a fact. And considering that Fauci is the highest-paid one of these leeches makes him even worse. But what makes him the absolute worst is the fact that he constantly lies! He flip-flopped on the efficacy of masks. He doesn’t know how many vaccines and boosters people need to take—the number just keeps going higher and higher. And the b*st*rd lied to Congress about his office’s role in funding the very research that may have spawned COVID-19 in the first place!
3.) Fauci is a sadist who likes to torture small, furry animals for fun.
I have a soft spot for animals. I’m sure many of our readers have a soft spot for animals, too. And I’m not saying animals should receive more sympathy than humans—far from it. But there is something truly vile and revolting about torturing animals. It’s what psychopaths do. It makes you recoil in disgust and for good reason. Well, when Tony Fauci isn’t psychologically torturing humans, he has a lab full of caged-up, brain-damaged monkey’s that he finds joy in scaring the ever-living sh*t out of! He also purposefully damaged their brains just to make them that much more scared.
NIH Fear Factory: Taxpayer-Funded Monkey Experiments Revealedyoutu.be
2.) Did I mention Fauci is a sadist who tortures AND KILLS PUPPIES?!
Do you like dogs? I like dogs. Would you ever hurt a doggo? Maybe just rear back and punt a pupper? No? Neither would I, but see, you and I are sane, humane, compassionate people, and Anthony Fauci is a verifiable sociopath. And when the mad scientist isn’t out giving monkeys PTSD for yucks, he’s getting his rocks off caging down beagles and feeding their little puppy faces to diseased sandflies. He does this while they’re alive, by the way, and to keep them from annoying him with the barking, he has their vocal cords cut. I would not be surprised if he has a lab somewhere attempting to make his own human centipede.
1.) Fauci hates American freedom.
If there is one thing Americans should hate Fauci for, it is his complete and utter disregard for American liberty. Because he is among the group of people who control the D*psh*t-in-Chief, his tyrannical tendencies have managed to damage innumerable areas of American life, and he doesn’t give a damn. Fauci is “the science” after all, and he wants all you plebes to just do as you’re told. As 2021 comes to a close, flip this guy the bird and let him know that he’s officially the most hated person of 2021. F*ck you, Fauci!
"I know people like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but I think we're in such a serious situation now that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done." -- Dr. Anthony Faucipic.twitter.com/zUyAKuEJj3— Morning Joe (@Morning Joe) 1628597564
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