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AbortionMay 17, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Abortion Bans are "Oppression" and "Patriarchy"
There's been a lot of batsh!t crazy coming from the mouths of leftists since this latest pair of anti-abortion bills (see Alabama Legislature Passes Near Ban on Abortion and Thanks Leftists, for Admitting You Think Abortion is a Form of Contraception). But, of course, some of the craziest comes from your friend and mine, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
She threw a bunch of progressive tropes in her Instapot. Pulls a few out. And bingo bango boingo, she has a tweet. "Something, something, patriarchy oppression."
See for yourself:
She said "oppression" and "patriarchy," and how men want to "own women's bodies." If you're playing the drinking game, that's three shots. Pound 'em down.
Also, SPOILER WARNING. Before you read further, I do not have a uterus. It's not gonna stop me in the slightest.
Here's a fact us people who don't base their positions on Planned Parenthood talking points know. Quite a few of the leaders of the pro-life movement are women. Abby Johnson. Allie Stuckey. Lila Rose. All havers of hoo-hahs.
The men in Alabama who are in favor of the law? Women elected them. They voted for a law which was introduced and sponsored by a woman. Which was then signed into law by a woman. Though, I suppose they weren't real lady-folk.
It's a bunch of bullhickey to paint these bills as a ploy by the He-Man Woman-Haters Club. Especially when there's plenty of lasses out there in full support of them. In reality, this isn't man versus woman. It's life versus death. As in we're saying "nuh-uh" to further instances of baby-murder. "Controlling women's uteruses" isn't even on our radar, despite what flat-topped feminist hose-beasts say.
Speaking of feminism: