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ArticlesMarch 22, 2019
Anti-Gun Tweet Proves Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Ignorance on Gun Laws
Well, we've been waiting for this moment. Our favorite lefty punching bag, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is going full gun-grabber. Just as you'd expect, her proposals are a giant bowl of stupid.
Get a load of this anti-gun tweet:
So, in other words:
I'm just gonna go ahead and break down this anti-gun tweet bit-by-bit.
Anyone who's ever filled out a 4473 form when buying a piece knows domestic abusers can't buy guns. There's also a federal law keeping wife-beaters from even holding a hand-cannon. From 1996. Looks like Alex is 23 years late to the party.
Let's say you need to protect yourself from a home invader while "safe-storing" your lead-slinger. You need only to get to the gun in a micro safe inside of a macro safe. Then, make your way to the safe in the room for the 30 5-magazine clip. Afterwards, remove the trigger lock and the barrel flag from the chamber and load your weapon. Easy enough, right?
Since December, bump stocks have been out. AOC is supposed to be a political wunderkind, yet she can't recall policy changes from four months ago. Though, in "The Boss's'" defense, her head was too far up her own keister to notice.
Did you see how Alex didn't say ban "assault rifles"? She wants to put the kibosh on all semi-autos. This would include pretty much all handguns except revolvers. The Browning Auto-5 you use for hunting. Grand-pappy's M1 Garand from the Big War. All gone.
This brings us to the last part of Crazy Eyes' tweet. Every gun is designed for one purpose: to kill. As fun as they are for target shooting, gats are life-ending implements. If a gun or gun component's sole criteria for meeting the ban-hammer is being "made to kill," you can expect Alex to eventually grab them all.
By the way, none of the things Alexandria is proposing would end murder. Once leftists see their gun policies are duds, they'll just dial up their anti-gunnery even more and "hope it works this time." The best thing to do is not play their game. Incidentally Hitler Loved Gun Control.
Since we're talking:
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