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PoliticsAugust 17, 2020
AOC Refuses to Denounce BLM Demands That White People Give Up Their Homes
If you are someone who has an opinion on everything all the time, claiming you don't have an opinion on something rings hollow. Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying she doesn't have an opinion on Black Lives Matter demands that white people give up their homes. She was asked the question over the weekend, and this is how she dodged.
Since this is happening in Seattle, I don't have as close of a view on what's happening...I don't know the details of the protests that are going on...it's important for us to enact legislation and policy that actually addresses the core reasons behind why all of this kind of disruption is happening,
Seattle is 2,869 miles from Queens and the Bronx. I get that. AOC represents the Boogie Down and not CHAZ. However, it would have been easy to add to her statement: "but no, it is a batsh!T crazy to demand white people give up their homes 'because BLM is coming for them anyway.'" Then segue to whatever the other talking points are.
There is close to zero chance she didn't know about this. After all, she's the one person in Congress who knows how to social media like whoa better than anyone else. The media says so all the time. "We're coming for your homes anyway": That was a viral video being spread all over the right half of the internet. I find it hard to believe there wasn't a staffer who said, "Hey Congresswoman, I think you should know about this."
Unless of course Rep. Ocasio-Cortez agrees with the message and that's why she didn't have the courage to denounce her supporters. Because that's the other problem with having an opinion on everything all the time AND being a national figure. Ten bucks says more people rioting know who AOC is than they do their own congressperson.
If you don't denounce your most extreme supporters, you condone everything they are saying. Them's the rules.
Black Lives Matter is a Domestic Terrorist Organization | Change My Mindyoutu.be
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