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PoliticsDecember 28, 2020
It's On! NY Democrat Boss WARNS AOC Against Challenging Chuck Schumer
I'm a simple man who doesn't ask for much. Make sure my beer is cold. Leave me alone when I watch wrestling on Wednesday nights. And please, for the love all that is holy, have Congresswoman AOC primary Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. That would be the greatest thing to happen to any of us on the right side of the blogosphere. Even better than all the Amy Coney Barrett meltdowns. I know Rep. AOC was so sad with the election results last month that she almost quit. Challenging Chuckles would be a much better use of her time.
I'm guessing there are rumblings that she might consider it. Because the establishment is out in full force to shut it down. Here's NY Democrat chairman Jay Jacobs crushing the hopes and dreams of a young girl from the Boogie Down.
I think it would be a primary driven by ambition more than by need.
How dare a cis white male like Jay Jacobs claim a womyn is being too ambitious! Complete and unbridled sarcasm. Also, that didn't stop AOC from primarying Joe Crowley.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would "absolutely" lose a challenge if she went head-to-head against the veteran Democratic lawmaker, said Jacobs — who noted he's yet to meet the Queens rep.
"We've never met. I would look forward to doing that," he said. "I am open to that at any time."
Dude, you live on Long Island. She lives in either Queens or the Bronx. At least in theory. How hard is it to meet in the city with your party's national leader for a cappuccino or something?
What I find funniest about this, other than the idea that AOC would ever step foot in upstate New York, is how much the two political parties are exactly the same. The Democrat establishment is every bit as clueless as the Republican establishment. If you don't want a rabble-rouser to challenge the establishment, the absolute WORST thing to do is tell them not to challenge the establishment. Waityourturnism (I just made that word up) is why the parties have rabble-rousers rousing rabble in the first place.
Maybe AOC never actually had plans to challenge Schumer. But now, she almost has to. Just because f*** the establishment who say otherwise. Also, the way miserable failure Schumer threw away a $1.8 trilllion aid package for a $900 billion aid package. If I were a Democrat socialist, I would be pissed about that.
But I'm not. So I'm just going to start popping all the popcorn.
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