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COVID-19October 24, 2020
AOC Claims Her Green New Deal Could Have Saved Us From the 'Rona
Democrats claim they would have saved us from the pandemic if they were in charge. Most of what they would have done different is look at failures like Andrew Cuomo and Bill DeBlasio (see BILL DE BLASIO GETS CALLED OUT FOR BEING A FAILURE IN HANDLING CORONAVIRUS and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19) and have the hindsight to act a week or two before they did. Joe Biden's plan is basically Donald Trump's plan, only he won't be Donald Trump. Then you have AOC, who sat down with Jane Fonda to say if we just passed her Green New Deal, it would have saved us all.
No, seriously. It starts around 25:00 or so.
AOC and Jane Fonda speak out on Green New Deal, support Joe Bidenyoutu.be
If we had passed a Green New Deal by January of this year, that would mean that we had a political establishment that respects science, that is willing to mobilize and make major investments to protect the American people and frankly our global population.
We would have respected the science early; we would have listened to scientists.
I see. So it's not the plan, as much as by agreeing with her plan it meant we hearted scientists as much as she did. Keep in mind, this is the same person who in the beginning of the pandemic not only was encouraging people to go out to eat in restaurants anyway, she implied you were a raaaaaacist if you didn't. I'm fairly certain the scientists, or a least the experts, were encouraging people to not do that at the time. Maybe Rep. AOC would have trusted he scientists more if we passed her GND too.
I'm not saying some decisions couldn't have been made differently, and if those scientists were smart enough to install a flux capacitor on a DeLorean, maybe we could change a few things. But the thing about global pandemics? They're global. Every country tried dealing with it in different ways and every country got hit. Except for apparently Sweden. The question is what to do now and moving forward. "Just listen to the scientists" doesn't work when it means shutting down the country again and constantly living in fear, allowing politicians like AOC go to use that fear as an excuse to push their agenda.
Crowder Reads the Green New Deal | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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