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PoliticsAugust 11, 2020
Hodgetwins Take Turns Mocking AOC's Lack of Intelligence on the Economy
Choose your fighter: The Hodgetwins vs. AOC. Heck, let the whole Squad (llhan and Rashida) join with AOC as she faces off against the Hodgetwins and… wait, I think I just came up with an idea for a comic book. Keith and Kevin battle their arch-nemeses for who rules the United States of America. AOC builds a weather dominator to scare the world into passing the Green New Deal 2: Electric Boogaloo. Trump knows only Keith and Kevin can stop her, so he calls them at the gym. The twins take a break from getting gains, fist bump, declare MAKE AMERICA SAVAGE AGAIN, and leap into action.
While I go audition artists, enjoy the Twins shredding AOC's latest ignorant tweet decrying evil billionaires.
AOC YOU CRAZY!youtu.be
I see. Big companies should be owned by the workers who made no investment, took on no risk, had no big idea, and otherwise had nothing to do with the big company BECOMING A BIG COMPANY. These are the people who elect other ignorant people like AOC to office, who then actually have an effect on policies that affect all of us. I'm going to walk in to work the next day and tell Crowder that I'm the new part owner of his company. Hopefully, Quarterback Garrett is filming it as he's laughing at me and having the Hodgetwins escort me from the door.
Dress it up in numbers and words you just made and brag about your college degree that got you a job in a bar all you want. Somethings are just common sense. Weightlifting comedians have more of it than a thought leader in the Democrat party.
THE FUNNIEST BLOOPER OF ALL TIME! (feat. The HodgeTwins) | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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