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HollywoodJuly 09, 2020
Silly Leftists Demand Donald Trump be Removed from "Zoolander," They Won't Like Ben Stiller's Response
"I don't remember Donald Trump in 'Zoolander.'" - my editor
"I barely remember 'Zoolander.'" - me
I don't know if there is an actual push by anti-Trump Zoolander fans to have him removed from the movie, or if this is just another case of five idiots tweeting the same dumb opinion. But perception becomes reality way too quickly. It was only a handful of idiots saying that Hamilton needs to be cancelled. It became reality when a reporter asked Lin-Manuel Miranda about it, and he agreed that his opus is now problematic in this new world. Go back in time to 2018. Tell the liberals of 2018 that in just two short years they'd try to cancel both Hamiltonand Harry Potter. Imagine the look of shock on their pimpled faces.
THANKFULLY, Ben Stiller didn't take the bait when he was asked a similar question.
Years later, of course, Trump became president. And recently, his vocal opponents told Stiller he should nix Trump's appearance entirely. But the "Escape at Dannemora" director is not having it.
"I've had people reach out to me and say, 'You should edit Donald Trump out of "Zoolander," ' but at the end of the day, that was a time when that exists and that happened," said Stiller of refusing to alter his film.
This is the cameo in question:
Donald trump Zoolander fanyoutu.be
Four seconds. People on the left are upset over four seconds.
Of course, we've seen this movie before. Not Zoolander or Zoolander 2, but the movie where something random and Trumpy is in the news and it gets blown out of proportion on Twitter. I give it a 48 hours before this is on Twitter trends and random people who were in the movie are going to have to comment, demanding Trump be removed. $50 says the Estate of David Bowie issues a statement. Stiller seems like a decent guy who, even though he's not a Trump fan, is more concerned with just making movies. Hopefully he doesn't cave to the mob if the mob comes.
The mob has been whining for a few years over Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, which was also written and directed by Ben Stiller, and he hasn't caved there yet. So there's at least that.
Also apropos of nothing, Reality Bites and Royal Tennebaums are solid movies, and both Zero Effect and the Ben Stiller Show are highly underrated. If you're running out of things to binge during the pandemic, those are all options.
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Jimmy Kimmel Should NOT be Cancelled for This | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be