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ArticlesDecember 23, 2017
BOOM: Best Nikki Haley Beatdowns of 2017
It’s no secret Nikki Haley is our girl here at LwC. The lady is on fire right now. But fret not, an extinguisher is not required. As we celebrate the holidays and head into the new year, let's reflect on the best Nikki Haley beatdowns of 2017. Brace yourself, badassery incoming.
Nikki Haley Lowers the Boom: UN's Days of Israel Bashing are Over...
This was back in March. Notice when she's talking about making changes within the UN? She promised to kick the crap out of things she wouldn't tolerate, and clearly she meant it. Nine months later and she's still holding her own in a sea of globalists.
Nikki Haley Addresses the United Nations on Cuban Embargo, American Sovereignty
This one is a personal favorite of mine. It's one of Nikki's best "screw off, UN, you're not the boss of us" moments. When the entity attempted to meddle in the USA's embargo on Cuba, she ripped them a new one. Ouchies!
Ahead of Thursday's Jerusalem Vote, Nikki Haley Warns the UN
When the UN decided it was going to vote on where we'd be moving OUR embassy, Haley issued a stern warning. Perfectly warranted, if I do say so myself.
SLAY QUEEN! Nikki Haley Spanks Spoiled UN for Disrespecting America...
As the embassy move to Jerusalem unfolded, lots of ass kickery took place. This clip may just be one of the juiciest moments of Nikki-UN spankage to date. She slapped those nosy collectivists around like it was her civic duty.
Nikki Haley to Throw UN Party. It's the Perfect Middle Finger to Anti-American Countries.
Aaaand another great moment in history. Nikki promised she'd be taking down the names of countries who voted against America's interests. She's already following through with that promise. With an exclusive party for America's friends only. Guess who's not invited.
I can't wait to see what's in story for Nikki in 2018. Hopefully plenty more of her famous buttkickings.