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joe bidenJuly 13, 2021
Scary Biden Admin Plan: Private Companies Monitoring Your Text Messages Over 'Misinformation'
The people who run Joe Biden are super angry that many of you still haven't gotten your V-word. Turns out sending Anthony Fauci out there to lecture people isn't as effective as it used to be. They have a plan. They're going to complain about Fox News a lot. Conservatives will be blamed for the V-word hesitancy while ignoring the urban areas where hesitancy is higher. Also, Biden and the Democrat Party are going to call private companies to monitor your text messages.
That's the only way to read this paragraph from Politico.
Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.
Excuse me for a second.
I look forward to rolling my eyes at the clarification. Or at the very least, the part where they claim what they said isn't actually what they said. Like sending people door to door to lecture you. But that sounds like a plan to "fact" check your PRIVATE text messages. The administration that thinks it's "absolutely the government's business" to know your private medical decisions also wants to make sure you aren't texting the wrong things to family members. Is monitoring private conversations next? Because that's already a thing in Canada.
The "fact" checkers will no doubt be the same ones Big Tech uses. Who define "facts" as whatever they're told by the CDC or the WHO. Two government bureaucracies. The Biden administration wants to force companies to prevent you from sending "misinformation" via text message. The people who decide what "misinformation" is are government agencies. One of which is run from the Biden administration.
Paranoia? Jumping to conclusions? Joe Biden has said out loud that in his pudding brain, Americans "yield their rights to the government." So, no. This IS as bad as it sounds.
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