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Second AmendmentApril 08, 2021
Most Horrifying from Biden Anti-Gun Speech: 'No Constitutional Amendment Is Absolute'
Joe Biden addressed his anti-gun executive actions today and said a bunch of stuff that was, at best, misleading. You could tell because he's a Democrat and he was talking about guns. We debunk the Democrat lies about guns on the regular. There is no gun show loophole. We already have background checks. You can't just walk into Walmart and walk out with a gun. You can't randomly buy guns online. More offensive to me than the usual ignorance about boomsticks and straight-up bullsh!t coming out of Biden's piehole is the attitude leftists have that frames their agenda.
In a nutshell? Constitution, schmonsitution.
.@JoeBiden introduces his gun plan:
"No amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can't yell 'fire' in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech. From the beginning, you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own." pic.twitter.com/shOkaXmLqH
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) April 8, 2021
Nothing I'm about to recommend in any way impinges ...
I think he meant "infringes."
... on the Second Amendment. They're phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake from what we're talking about. But no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.
It actually is. Unless it's corrected with another constitutional amendment. There was a time when an amendment banned alcohol. People realized that was a huge mistake and passed another amendment. If leftists actually pushed a new anti-gun amendment, that would at least lead to an intellectually honest argument. But that's hard work. It's easier to just chip away at it with regulations on top of regulations and call it "commonsense reform."
Also, I wonder if Biden feels the amendments that outlawed slavery and gave women the right to vote aren't "absolute." That sounds like something for Jen Psaki to circle back on.
You can't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech.
You can if there's a fire.
From the very beginning, you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own. From the very beginning of the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren't allowed to have weapons. So the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we're recommending are contrary to the Constitution.
The Second Amendment allows law-abiding citizens to own firearms. Biden's plans only penalize law-abiding citizens. They don't penalize people breaking the law because a) we already have laws in place, and b) those people don't care about those laws, evidenced by the fact that THEY BREAK THEM. The job of the Second Amendment is to prevent government from imposing on law-abiding citizens' gun rights. So yes, any scheme or excuse politicians come up with to prevent law-abiding citizens from obtaining guns does in fact infringe on our Second Amendment rights.
Also, our founding fathers who made the laws actually knew how guns worked. SPOILER: The "AR" in "AR-15" doesn't stand for "assault rifle." And there is no such thing as an "assault weapon."
The president of the United States said a bunch of gun things that weren't true. All Democrats do that. It's why we stay vigilant. It's why "molon labe" is a thing. The casual way Joe Biden dismissed a constitutional amendment as not being "absolute" exposes the faux logic his pudding brain applies to his agenda. That's more frightening.
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