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PoliticsOctober 22, 2021
Watch: Ron DeSantis Defends Healthcare Workers and First Responders After Joe Biden Throws Them Under the Bus
Ron DeSantis hasn't been talked about as much in the news lately. After Florida's 'rona numbers went down and neither liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) could effectively use him as a boogeyman, they went back to crying about Trump. Joe Biden still got chirpy. Not by name, but when Biden accuses "Republicans" and/or "governors" of being divisive, we know who he means.
It's not America's governor who is throwing police officers, nurses, and healthcare professionals under the bus. It's Joe Biden who wants them fired because they won't make the personal medical decision Joe Biden demands they make. A point DeSantis is more than happy to illustrate.
"No one should lose their jobs over these shots [...] These are folks who have been working throughout this whole time. They were put in situations where they were exposing themselves to the risk knowingly to help others. And they did that, and we considered them HEROES just a year ago. Now you're going to let them go by the wayside? And you're not going to let them work anymore?"
"[Joe Biden] is the one being divisive about this. To say to a police officer who has been working this whole time, or a nurse, or a firefighter that now they lose their job? Long before we had the [Fauci Ouchie's] and we knew what the heck was going on ... those guys had to answer the call. [Biden] is being divisive. We believe people should make their own decisions."
To prove DeSantis's point, here's Biden being divisive LAST NIGHT on CNN. He even mocked Americans and the idea of freedom.
“...should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not should they be, stay at home or let go?"
Biden: “Yes and Yes" pic.twitter.com/g4OBMlCt34
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) October 22, 2021
One guy respects freedom and the American people. The other guy doesn't, yet he's president of the United States. At least until the first guy (god willing) runs against him in 2024.
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