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joe bidenJuly 04, 2021
Confused Biden Can't Answer Russia Question Without Notecard, But At Least He Got Two Scoops of Ice Cream!
A thirteen-year-old boy finding his first Playboy in the woods is nothing compared to the horniness reporters have over Joe Biden eating ice cream. Biden doesn't like the press very much. Or, doing his job. He also has issues with black people. Really, if you're an American, the president isn't a fan. But Joe Biden loves ice cream and our news media loves watching him eat ice cream. One reporter had the audacity to ask Biden a question while our president was getting his fix. Something about Russia possibly hacking something American. Biden seemed confused, but thankfully an aide wrote down what he needed to say.
Confused Joe Biden Has To Pull Out Notes To Answer Question On Russiayoutu.be
REPORTER: Mr. President, could I pretty please ask you a question about the latest Russia hack?
BIDEN: C'mon, man. I'm eating ice cream.
REPORTER: I'm sorry.
BIDEN: *Sigh* hang on, they wrote me and answer I have in my pocket ... no, that's the list of sixteen things I told Putin he COULDN'T attack.
Unclear is who the reporter was, or what specific hack they were talking about. That would require an independent press. The rest of the media followed the script they were given. Here's CBS "News" seemingly editing the question out. But they can report that Biden got TWO scoops of ice cream.
President Joe Biden ended his trip to Michigan with a trip to a local ice cream spot. He ordered vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips in a waffle cone –– and made sure to get two scoops. pic.twitter.com/ZmzdBouj46
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 4, 2021
There weren't any new reports about Russia hacking us on Friday. It was a pretty random question for the president to be prepared for. We know he usually poops his pants when he is asked something off-the-cuff. Does the White House send him out with notecards for every possible question? If so, they're taking a HUGE risk that Biden doesn't confuse cards. A reporter could ask him about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and have Biden answer with what new things are infrastructure that week. A question about the Delta variant could lead to Biden inexplicably responding, "Kamala's the one with long hair, Barack's the one with grey hair."
At the end of the day, our president gets easily confused, has a short temper, and needs to work off of a script when dealing with reporters who are already ga-ga for him. But at least he doesn't tweet mean things!
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