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ArticlesJune 22, 2019
Bill Maher Criticizes the Left for Claiming Trump is Establishing 'Concentration Camps'
You've probably heard lefties' claims of Trumpy creating "concentration camps" to hold illegals. According to them, we're one pair of jack boots from becoming the Fourth Reich. Anyone who isn't a braindead ninnymuggins knows this to be faker than Pamela Anderson's chesticles.
Even Bill Maher thinks it's a bunch of hogwash:
HBO's Bill Maher cautioned Democrats that running "a campaign based on reparations and concentration camps" will make it "very hard to win the election" against President Trump during an episode of "Real Time" on Friday night."If you want to run a campaign based on reparations and concentration camps ... then it's going to be very hard to win the election. I'm not saying you can't do it, but very hard to argue that this is helping," Maher said to a smattering of applause from the studio audience.
"When we think of concentration camps ... I think of mass graves. I think of experimenting on human people," Maher said.
Yep, when you invoke talk of concentration camps, rounding up every person from south of the border and shipping them off to Auschwitz 2.0 comes to mind. This is by design. These lefties want you to think we're on the verge of breaking out the 'ol Zyklon-B. Which we're not.
AOC and other leftists know exactly what they're implying when they use the term. Yet another instance of lefties pulling the "everyone I don't like is Hitler" card. Bill Maher understands the ulterior motive at play here, which is why he's speaking out against it.
Bill's right when he says this rhetoric isn't helping the debate. With stunts like these, lefties are only further proving to us they're running low on brain cells. Especially considering the Nazi comparisons are completely unnecessary. Believe it or not, you can disagree with a policy without declaring your opponent to be the second coming of Hitler. Crazy, I know.
While we're on the subject:
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