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Body PositivityAugust 06, 2022
Body PositivityArticlesLiberal MediaPoliticsComedySocialismScienceLGBTHealthcareFat PrideWoke CulturePosts
'It's Orwellian': Bill Maher slams 'body positivity' for 'rewriting science'
We at Louder With Crowder are no strangers to the 'body positivity' movement. You might remember when Steven dolled himself up as a fat activist and presented a scholarly article before a captive audience of fat scholars. The movement itself is a joke, and Bill Maher has finally found it necessary to point out just that.
On Friday's episode of "Real Time," Maher tore into the notion of "body positivity" like a chubby girl going to down on a Golden Coral buffet, and he makes several of the same points we've made here at Louder with Crowder Dot Com and Steven has made on his show.
New Rule: Fat Acceptance | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)www.youtube.com
"There's a disturbing trend going on in America these days: rewriting science to fit ideology or just to fit what you want reality to be. We've gone from fat acceptance to fat celebration. [...] To view letting yourself go as a point of pride? We used to at least try and be fit and healthy, and society praised those who succeeded. Now, the term 'body positivity' is used to mean: I'm perfect the way I am because I'm me. It's Orwellian how often 'positivity' is used to describe what's not healthy."
Is Maher secretly watching Louder with Crowder?? I suppose it's possible. But does Maher have eyes and enough of a brain to read? I think so. All it takes to understand the ridiculousness of "body positivity" is a pair of eyes to see how disgusting these balls of cellulite and undigested pork butts are. All it takes is opening up a book or going online to read about all the awful health consequences are associated with being an obese, lazy tub of lard.
Billy Maher here makes points that should be clear to everyone, and they are eminently applicable to nearly the entirety of the leftist platform. "Body positivity" denies science and reality in the same way transgenderism does. Socialist economic policy bends reality and forgets math to get reality to fit what the left wants it to be. All of this is bad for one's health--however, where the fat people keep getting fat, under socialism, people will just starve.
I don't know how long Maher is going to continue to hold onto his title of Democrat before he finally says, "Screw this." He pretty much disowned much of the Democratic agenda.
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MUTINY On The Left! Bill Maher Steals Jokes and Trevor Noah Is BASED? | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
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