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ArticlesJuly 20, 2019
Transgender 'Woman' Sues Businesses for Refusing to Wax 'Her' Genitalia
Welp, here we go again with LGBTLMNOPers getting their fascist on. A trans "woman" is having bad luck at getting his beanbag waxed. Naturally, the lady folk who work at waxing facilities aren't wild over giving a Brazilian to a haver of peens. So, this trans individual is suing them.
Yeah, really:
Jessica Yaniv, a transgender Canadian woman, has filed over a dozen gender-identity discrimination complaints against women in the Vancouver area who have refused to perform Brazilian bikini wax procedures on her male genitalia.The women Yaniv has filed complaints against are mostly poor immigrant women who speak English as a second language. He believes multiple women have likely been forced to shut down their businesses as a result of Yaniv’s complaints.
"We here on the left embrace feminism wholeheartedly. Patriarchal overlords can't force women to demean themselves in service to men. Now, grab hold of that man's berries and de-hair them. Or suffer the consequences."
Welcome to the utopia of the left. A place where the state can put a gun to your head and demand you perform services on other peeps' unmentionables. A woman's place on the identity politics totem pole is lower than the LGBT crowd. Therefore, a lady's right to discern whose parts she touches is lesser than a trans guy's "right" to a pube-plucking. In Leftyland, they see this as perfectly sane.
I would have never thought this would need saying, but nobody has to lay hands on your genitals. If a lad or lass isn't keen on handling someone's naughty bits, they have the right to opt out. Though, I wouldn't expect lefties to understand such a concept.
Speaking of the transformer peeps:
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