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Culture WarsJanuary 15, 2024
Woke principal lashes out at parents upset she shut down school to house illegals. Yes, she's a white progressive. I know, right?!
Say you are a taxpayer, and one day, the public high school you send your kids to gets shut down for two days to house people who are not taxpayers, leaving your kid (who you pay taxes for) sent back to remote learning. You may think you have a right to be upset at the principal, when in fact... how dare you? How. Dare. YOU?!
Jodie Cohen, principal at James Madison High School where that very thing happened, freaked out on parents upset at this predicament. Yes, Jodie is A.W.F.L. (Affluent White Female Liberal).
LWC Next Gen Stats: Brooklyn
- Brooklyn voted 74% for Democrat Joe Biden in 2020
- Brooklyn voted 72% for Democrat Kathy Hochul in 2022.
- The four Democrat congresspeople who represent Brooklyn were relected in 2022 with 72% to 82% of the vote.
- Only 33% of Brooklyn bothered voting in 2022.
Okay, tell us about the principal now
Last week, 2000 illegal immigrants who were being sheltered in Brooklyn needed somewhere else to go "out of an abundance of caution to ensure the safety and wellbeing of individuals working and living at the center" because of bad weather. They were sent to the high school.
Students -- legal ones -- were being told to stay home and were sent to remote learning. The best part? Students -- the legal citizens booted from their school -- needed to REQUEST a teacher to Zoom in. Otherwise, they were expected to just do their assignments on their own.
Per a report from the New York Post, Cohen would not calm down on a Zoom call where parents discussed their disapproval.
NYC HS principal lashes out at parents who bashed decision to force students to go remote as migrants sheltered at school https://t.co/r5SOqno0xy pic.twitter.com/oAthGU1hUD
— New York Post (@nypost) January 14, 2024
“How dare someone say that I don’t care about kids,” roared James Madison High School principal Jodie Cohen on a Zoom call Tuesday at parents seething that she “sold the kids out” by having them go remote the day after the migrants were evacuated from Floyd Bennett Field because of a torrential rain storm.
“I don’t understand how people who never come on a Zoom like this could take an opportunity like this evening to throw mud,” Cohen said, her voice breaking.
“This [emergency] is for one night, one night!”
The reason why parents don't normally come on Zoom calls is because a) they work for a living, and b) they (some would say foolishly at this point) didn't think they would need to. And even if it's for one day, that is one day of their work day needing to be rearranged at the last minute to accommodate their family. If Jodie Cohen is as A.W.F.L. as she sounds, I'm guessing she is single and childless and wouldn't be aware of such concerns.
And the school these parents pay for with their EXORBITANT taxes was being shut down for a day to accommodate people who pay no taxes, what with them being in this country illegally. Besides anger at the inconvenience, I'm sure there is also anger at the precedence that is now set. Parents are speaking out now to make sure this never happens again.
Even though you and I both know it will. Please review the LWC Next Gen Stats for the reason why.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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WAIT! How Much is Illegal Immigration Costing YOU?! | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be