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Culture WarsNovember 21, 2023
The New Racist Thing Dropped. Turns Out It's The Bubonic Plague!
For the Left, at the core of every issue is the pernicious claim of "systemic racism." There is typically no room for defense when it comes to these claims as guilt is usually determined upon the moment an accusation occurs.
Subsequently. Critical Race Theory has left no room for discourse. Despite the ceaseless claims from the left, racism does not define everything. In fact, if everything is racist, then nothing is racist. But that is beside the point right now.
Unless you have been living under a rock, it is well known by now that birds, math, and the environment are all racist. While we are at it, let’s give a shout-out to the racial inequity of sleep.
In a stunning realization, anthropologists in London have now concluded that the Bubonic Plague was also racist.
This was probably why it was also referred to as the “Black Death.”
A museum in London has claimed black women were more likely to die of the bubonic plague in medieval London because of “premodern structural racism.”
Shout out to X notes on this one as it claims DNA was not even used to determine race and that it was based on the shape of their skulls.
The study was published in Bioarchaeology International and led by Dr Rebecca Redfern. According to the Daily Mail, the study failed to put an estimate on how many black people were actually living in the area.
On top of that, they only examined 145 individuals, while only 49 of the sample actually died from the plague.
The arrogant researchers believed that 145 individuals were enough to justify their claims even though nearly 70,000 people died from it and even half of their cherry-picked samples died from it. Some estimates even predict that as many as 100,000 people died in London.
The plague also killed more than 25 million people, or at least one-third of Europe's population during the fourteenth century.
The study claimed that black people succumbed to the plague in disproportionate numbers because of “structural racism” in medieval times.
The paper concludes: “We recommend that intersectionality and critical race theories become integrated” into archaeological studies, with intersectionality being the crossover of various traits.
"As with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, social and economic environment played a significant role in people's health and this is most likely why we find more people of color and those of Black African descent in plague burials," Redfearn said.
This is a perfect example of how the left distorts every discussion for their woke ideology even though it is almost always at the expense of reason.
"In reconsidering a multiracial English past, we must address how race and anti-Blackness were navigated/negotiated daily on London's streets and cultural landscape," Dr Dorothy Kim, assistant professor of English at Brandeis University in Massachusetts said.
Despite the attempt to label everything as racist, a much stronger example of racism comes from those on the left whose worldview is defined solely by skin color.
Attacking everything as racist without much evidence seems to not do much to actually fix the issue at hand if there even is one. And let’s be real, the bubonic plague was not racist. In fact, I hardly doubt the bacterium cared much about skin color.
That said, to even come up with the premise that black people were more likely to succumb to the plague is the only racist thing about all of this. The disease was believed to be spread to people by the bite of an infected flea. Subsequently, we can now conclude that the researchers believe that black people are more likely to have fleas than white people.
You really can't get more racist than that.
That said, who really wins as a result of all these cynical accusations of racism?
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