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ArticlesMarch 21, 2019
Cambridge University Rescinds Jordan Peterson Fellowship. His Response is Scathing.
Who would've guessed the soft-spoken Canadian with a voice like Kermit the Frog would be the new frontman for hate. Yet Dr. Jordan Peterson, because he refuses to march to the beat of the post-modernist and Marxist drums, has been miscategorized and targeted for hate. He was originally given a visiting fellowship to speak at Cambridge University, after having already spoken at Cambridge a few times before, in fact this video is one of the most popular videos for the Cambridge Debate Society. But Peterson, despite his popularity, heck, maybe even because of it, cannot be allowed to speak anymore at Cambridge due to his numerous crimes of WrongThink. For which he must be shutout. Cambridge has now rescinded Peterson's fellowship, issuing this statement:
We are relieved to hear that Jordan Peterson’s request for a visiting fellowship to Cambridge’s faculty of divinity has been rescinded following further review. It is a political act to associate the University with an academic’s work through offers which legitimise figures such as Peterson. His work and views are not representative of the student body and as such we do not see his visit as a valuable contribution to the University, but one that works in opposition to the principles of the University.
"Relieved to hear." The statement was written as if Jordan Peterson is either afflicted with head lice or carries the pathogen which will set off the zombie apocalypse. When really, he says words. Words which other people are free to not hear by not watching Peterson speak. But we can't have students making the wrong choice and going to listen to what Peterson has to say, can we?
Unsurprisingly, Jordan Peterson had some thoughts about the decision and statement from Cambridge:
It seems to me that the packed Cambridge Union auditorium, the intelligent questioning associated with the lecture, and the overwhelming number of views the subsequently posted video accrued, indicates that there a number of Cambridge students are very interested in what I have to say, and might well regard my visit “as a valuable contribution to the University.” I also have to say, as a university professor concerned with literacy, that the CUSU statement offered to The Guardian borders on the unintelligible, perhaps even crossing the line (as so much ideological-puppet-babble tends to): what in the world does it mean that “it is a political act to associate the University with an academic’s work through offers which legitimise figures such as Peterson”? And who could write or say something of that rhetorical nature without a deep sense of betraying their personal conscience?
Doesn't matter, Dr. Peterson. You refused to kowtow to the state's language authority in your refusal to use gender pronouns, as requested via state edict. For this and likely many other WrongThink crimes, Peterson is verboten from Cambridge. Which Peterson thinks is a shame, due to the Biblical knowledge he picked up on his visits at Cambridge. Studies he was looking forward to furthering on his next trip.
Now the Divinity school has decided that signaling their solidarity with the diversity-inclusivity-equity mob trumps that opportunity–or so I presume. You see, I don’t yet know, because (and this is particularly appalling) I was not formally notified of this decision by any representative of the Divinity school. I heard about the rescinded offer through the grapevine, via a colleague and friend, and gathered what I could about the reasons from social media and press coverage (assuming that CUSU has at least something to do with it).
So much for the idea of British manners. Cambridge couldn't even do Peterson a courtesy by notifying him first. No, the British snobs took the cowards' way out. British greatness is a thing of the past.
Peterson wasn't finished:
...the Divinity Faculty (@CamDivinity) tweeted their decision to rescind, consciously making this a public issue. This is inexcusable, in my estimation, given (1) that they did not equally publicize the initial agreement/invitation (which has to be considered an event of equal import) and (2) that they implied that I came cap-in-hand to the school for the fellowship. This is precisely the kind of half-truth particularly characteristic of those who deeply practice to deceive, as the fellowship offer was a consequence of mutual discussion between those who invited me to Cambridge in July and my subsequent formal request, and not something I had dreamed up on my own....But I think that it is deeply unfortunate that the authorities at the Divinity school in Cambridge decided that kowtowing to an ill-informed, ignorant and ideologically-addled mob trumped participating in an extensive online experiment in mass Christian and psychological education.
The visiting fellowship would've revolved around Peterson's new lecture series on the stories of Exodus, as his stories on Genesis have resonated with people of all faiths around the world, even atheists. Was I a betting woman, I'd say Peterson's fellowship rescindment had jack squat to do with the Bible, and everything to do with Peterson's public reputation of being an intellectual badass who takes no craps from the left. See also Jordan Peterson Makes a Fool Out of Australian Feminist Politician and Someone Compiled Jordan Peterson's Greatest Comebacks. It's Internet Perfection.
Peterson still wasn't finished:
I think the Faculty of Divinity made a serious error of judgement in rescinding their offer to me (and I’m speaking about those unnamed persons who made that specific decision). I think they handled publicizing the rescindment in a manner that could hardly have been more narcissistic, self-congratulatory and devious.I wish them the continued decline in relevance over the next few decades that they deeply and profoundly and diligently work toward and deserve.
Dr. Jordan Peterson will be just fine. Which he notes in his response to the bedwetting nancies of Cambridge. But the students of Cambridge missed out. The professors and university faculty who made the call to give Peterson the hand, they're the actual Nazis here. They couldn't stand someone who thinks differently than they do, coming to speak at a University where they're trying to mold and shape young minds into one, dutiful, united collective of social justice adhering drones who do precisely what they and the state demands.
Tell me I'm wrong.
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