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TyrannyJune 21, 2024
Spa owner gets fined $35K for refusing to wax a trans woman's penis
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According to the left, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. However, they can.
A trans-identified individual will be compensated $35,000 after a Canadian business refused to wax his male genitalia.
This is Ontario spa owner Jason Carruthers. He was just ordered to pay $35,000 to a man pretending to be a woman because he said he couldn’t accommodate waxing male g*nitaIia.
The man claimed that Carruthers misgendered and traumatized him and now the spa owner has 30 days to… pic.twitter.com/oe1roVOEL3
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 21, 2024
When Jason Carruthers—the owner of a Windsor, Ontario waxing spa—could not find a way to accommodate a transgender woman's request to have her male genitals waxed, he had no idea that it could cost him tens of thousands of dollars.
But after a six-year-long battle, Carruthers has been ordered to pay a hefty sum to the anonymous claimant—$35,000 plus interest.
The claimant, identified only as AB, filed the complaint at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after she spoke to Carruthers over the phone in 2018. Carruthers explained to AB that that the female employee working that day was Muslim and refrains from physical contact with males beyond her family.
So there is a human right to have your male parts waxed but no human right to align your actions with your Muslim faith. In other words, trans rights trump a Muslim's religious rights. Got it.
The decision against Carruthers claims that he had misgendered AB.
So what? Who gives a crap? Even if it was immoral to not use preferred pronouns, it’s not but even if it was, this is not a legal issue worthy of $35,000.
The small business owner told Rebel that the complainant changed her story by denying that she had ever asked for a Brazilian wax service and instead only wanted a leg waxing. Carruthers says that his business has always provided leg waxing services to trans clients, but that this was never part of her request.
I believe the business owner, considering the trans person lies to himself every day, so much so that he believes it's a human right to affirm his delusion.
Why does it seem as if these LGBT lawsuits are intended to scare business owners into acquiescing to trans demands? I am not saying it is, I am just saying that is what it seems like.
"They're saying that I discriminated against the person, but they're also saying that I reprised when I spoke to the media. So those two things are factored into the amount," said Carruthers to Rebel News.
So the plaintiff is allowed to speak his truth but the business can’t even defend itself? We are just supposed to believe all women as if people don’t lie. This is a 'he said she said' case and you don’t tend to see courts rule on “human rights” without evidence.
The judicial application review says that there is no evidence to suggest that AB suffered from any harm, and that the damages charged to his client were "significantly" exceeding the "damages awarded in more serious cases."
This is literally why we have the saying ‘no harm, no foul.’ So the individual didn't get his male parts waved, whatever. He is acting like the business killed his dog or something, but hand it to a bunch of woke judges to make a nonissue the biggest thing since sliced bread.
It starts with cakes but remember, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. So you have been warned, as this is likely coming to a county near you.
BRAVE! A Transgender Sociopath Destroyed Manti Te’o’s Life | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com