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UncategorizedJuly 09, 2016
Chilling Cartoon Warns America About Dangers of Socialism... in 1948
American Exceptionalism is a concept so simple yet so misunderstood. America is exceptional because it was founded on the idea that man should be free. When I say "man" I mean every single human being. Everyone should be free to be the arbiters of their own life. To be free to succeed, free to fail. The history of the world is filled with tyranny and oppression, where man was chained in government bondage. America is the exception to that. America is exceptional because its Founders believed people were granted rights from his or her Creator, not from government.
But freedom is hard. Government stepping in to "take care" of people is an easier solution. In that vein watch this cartoon about "Ism." Released in 1948, but just as relevant today...
Great Cartoon Against Socialism/Communism - Make Mine Freedom 1948youtu.be
"This is one of a series of films produced by the Extension Department of Harding College to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live."
This 1948 cartoon is chilling. It depicts exactly what we have going on today with the social justice movement. Class warfare, racial division, "religious intolerance." Bake me a gay wedding cake or get sued.
If we don't understand how freedom works, if we look to government to solve our problems, and not to ourselves, government will try to sweep in to "save the day" only to institute socialism. And eventually communism. The history of the world has taught us as much.
Did you notice in the video that "ISM even makes the weather perfect every day." Because government can totally fix global warming, right?
Socialism always has great promises. It speaks of fairness. Equality. Safety. But as this cartoon shows, socialism is a false elixir. It pits classes against each other (the one percent versus the working class). It gives all the power to government. The collective, not the individual, has "rights." But these "rights" are not freedom.
Yes, freedom is hard. But being unfree, as we're seeing more and more every day, is much harder. Be wary of politicians who promise fairness and safety above freedom.
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Democratic Socialism STILL Doesn't Work | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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