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2020 ElectionAugust 11, 2016
Child Rape Victim Speaks Out: 'Hillary Clinton defended my rapist...'
Hillary Clinton broke through the "glass ceiling" by being the first ever rape apologist nominated by a major political party. Feminists who claim to "love women" take note. Juanita Broadderick has already spoken out against Madam Pantsuit. Now another rape victim, Kathy Shelton, spoke to The Daily Mail about the woman who defended Kathy's rapist...who raped her when she was 12 years old.
Kathy Shelton was just 12 years old when a 41-year-old drifter raped her on the side of a desolate Arkansas road in 1975. Now, four decades later, she has agreed to be named and pictured for the first time in this Daily Mail Online exclusive because she is furious that her rapist's defense attorney - Hillary Clinton - has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail.'It's put a lot of anger back in me,' said Shelton, now 54, in an exclusive interview at her Springdale, Arkansas, home in August. 'Every time I see [Clinton] on TV I just want to reach in there and grab her, but I can't do that.'
I'd imagine this is a common reaction for most people, not just those who were personally screwed by Hillary Clinton. Also, feminists, this is real example of something you'd call "triggering." Hillary Clinton defended this woman's rapist. Okay? So each and every time Kathy hears the Screech Fest on TV, every time she has to watch Hillary's hellacious countenance break a TV screen, Kathy here is for real triggered. For this woman, there is no "safe space." She was raped. Hillary defended her rapist. You got that? Have we made that glass ceiling as crystal clear as possible?
'I don't think [Clinton's] for women or girls. I think she's lying, I think she said anything she can to get in the campaign and win,' Shelton said. 'If she was [an advocate for women and children], she wouldn't have done that to me at 12 years old.''I want to speak to the world. Out there at the White House, so everyone can hear me,' said Shelton. 'That's always been my thing since the anger's built up. I want to speak out like [Clinton] does, and let the whole world hear it.'
Hard to argue with her sentiments on Clinton. Hillary Clinton isn't a "defender of women." How many decent people do you know who would gladly defend a child's rapist?
Look, everyone deserves a defender in a court of law. Everyone deserves a fair trial. I'm not saying the rapist shouldn't have had counsel. The difference is, this rapist's counsel was Hillary Clinton. Who is now running for the highest office in the land. While claiming to carry the mantle of "female defender" and advocate for "women's rights." Sorry, you are not a defender of women if you once defended a girl's rapist.
This is the real Hillary Clinton, not the "life long women's rights champion" she's trying to sell to us. Kathy Shelton's story is one which should be broadcasted far and wide. Of course it won't be. The media, who also claims to love women and hate "rape culture" will likely wipe Kathy's story away, with a cloth or something. But it's crucial her name never be forgotten.
As to how this disqualifies Hillary Clinton, add it to an ever-growing list...
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