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CultureApril 01, 2022
MSNBC Stooge, Liberal Sidekick Are Very Upset Conservatives Are Winning the Culture War
If there was a surefire way to win the hearts and minds of the American people in the raging culture war, the left thought they had found it. Call everyone racist and bigoted, tell parents they shouldn’t have a say in what their children are taught, and allow biological males to dominate women’s sports. Oh, also, push queer content into children’s entertainment, promote hormone therapy and surgical gender transition for kids, and go soft on pedophiles.
Ladies and gents, that sounds like a winning strategy to me if I’ve ever heard one! Which is probably why MSNBC’s Chris Hayes and his guest Mark Stern are so baffled to see the conservative right winning the culture war. They just can’t seem to understand how it’s happening.
Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: March 31youtu.be
They’re talking about Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill, and Hayes should really work on his reading comprehension skills because the bill isn’t vague. It bars a particular kind of instruction for third graders and younger, and it stipulates that state standards will be followed in the other grades so as to ensure it’s appropriate. Granted, I have a handful of years of college under my belt, but I’m pretty sure I could hand the bill to a high school dropout, and they’d understand it.
You gotta enjoy the Freudian slip Hayes has as he attempts to call the books he’s rattled off “age-appropriate” and starts to call them “gay-appropriate.” If you didn’t catch it, go watch it again, right around 12:55.
As for the remainder of Hayes and Stern’s moronic critique of the situation, they’re simply reading in a bevy of ridiculous, non-existent stipulations. Stern argues the bill is “designed to chill the maximum amount of speech,” but there’s no free-speech issue where classroom instruction is concerned. These are government employees, and while they can go ahead and say whatever they like outside the classroom, there’s nothing that says they can’t be barred from saying and doing certain things while on the job.
The fact is, the left is upset that parents don’t want this kind of material presented to their young children. If they had their way, the left would take children away from bigoted parents and indoctrinate them into their sexualized cult.
And they wonder why they’re losing the culture war. Maybe because they’re crazy. That might be a good place to start.
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