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TyrannyMarch 01, 2024
Letitia James demands Supreme Court force a Christian baker to make a cake celebrating a SATANIST'S gender reassignment
Christian baker Jack Phillips, of Colorado, cannot catch a break. So much so that at this point, I would consider this harassment fueled by hate for his religion. But apparently, bakers who are Christian don’t have the right to freedom of religion when they make cakes. Because tyrants all around the country are demanding he bake a cake with a dildo-licking Satan topper and one celebrating a gender transition.
Even though the man requesting these deranged and abhorrent cakes can just go to another baker, he is demanding that Phillips fulfill the request, despite it going against his deeply held religious beliefs. Because these people believe a right to a Satan cake Trumps the First Amendment.
And to no surprise, one of these people is Letitia James.
According to The Post Millennial:
Letitia James wants to force Christian baker Jack Phillips of Colorado to make a cake celebrating gender transition for the same individual who requested a cake with a dildo-licking Satan topper in celebration of Satan's birthday. In addition to posting her opposition to the baker's right to religious liberty, James is one of 18 attorneys general who filed an amicus brief in support of Autumn Scardinia, a trans-identified Satanist who dragged Phillips into court alleging discrimination.
"Masterpiece Cakeshop, a Colorado bakery, refused to make a customer a cake when they found out it was to celebrate her transition," James said. "This bakery has discriminated against LGBTQ+ people before, and I'm urging the Colorado Supreme Court to stop this transphobic discrimination."
Masterpiece Cakeshop was targeted in 2012 by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission after the baker declined a request to make a custom cake for a gay wedding. He won his case in 2018 at the Supreme Court which held that the state of Colorado had acted with "clear and impermissible hostility" toward his religious beliefs, in direct violation of the First Amendment. The baker was targeted again over trans cakes in 2017.
"It's not complicated," James said, "denying services to someone simply because of who they are is discrimination, and it's illegal." In her view, a Christian has no right to retain his religious liberty in the face of trans Satanists. "I will always fight to protect the rights of our LGBTQ+ community and any community that faces discrimination or hate or any kind," James said of the baker denying the cake.
Settle down, Letitia.
I don’t believe anyone asked for her opinion but of course, she just has to weigh in.
This is evil. These people truly believe their deranged sexual preference of Satan licking a dildo should be a protected class. But according to the Constitution, our rights come from God, not Satan. So I am having trouble seeing where their logic comes from.
You don’t just get to demand degenerate products and scream “discrimination.” By definition, discrimination is not illegal. Unless of course, you are discriminating against a protected class. But he is not discriminating against the customer because of who he is, he is simply denying a business request due to his religious beliefs.
Christianity is a protective class. Sexual preferences are not.
And for the record, if someone thinks a dildo cake defines who they are as a person, that individual is the problem.
"You Can't Change What Scripture Says!" - Gerald Reacts to the Pope Blessing Same-Sex Coupleswww.youtube.com