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cringeJune 17, 2024
Chuck Schumer's "BBQ" tweet was such a pandering disaster, his staff had to delete it
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Few things out on these internet streets are more hilarious than when Democrat staffers attempt to make their bosses look like normal people. Elizabeth Warren drinking a beer and Hilary Clinton keeping a bottle of hot sauce in her purse remain the gold standards. Competing for the crown is Chuck Schumer's team, who had him pose in front of a gas grill to show how he was just like you on Father's Day.
“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! Father’s Day Heaven!”
It was such a pandering disaster they were forced to DELETE THE TWEET.
Chuck Schumer just deleted this post where he got insanely ratioed for not knowing how to make a cheeseburger.
Democrats try to be relatable without being super cringe challenge: IMPOSSIBLE pic.twitter.com/haXEfuoCj8
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 17, 2024
I can put aside the fact that this is "grilling" and not BBQing. To BBQ, you need fire. This is a gas grill. It's a simple concept; I'm sure supporter Bill Durney could have explained it to everyone. But much like with NY Democrats' political opinions, they are low-information when it comes to things that matter, such as actual barbeque.
But what is it with progressives in New York that makes them not know you're supposed to COOK THE HAMBURGER before putting cheese on it?
It was the same with New York Governor Kathy Hochul when her staff made her pose in front of a grill a few years ago. Her aides gave her a raw burger to show off to the camera, as opposed to the ones on the grill that she "grilled herself." I mean, have none of these people ever been to a cookout? Or, like... ever eaten food?
Great day for a barbecue, New York! ☀️🍔🌭 pic.twitter.com/yFrn85lHOW
— Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul) August 7, 2022
However, the most offensive Democrat BBQ pandering came from failed Senate candidate Cal Cunningham. A guy running for office in North Carolina — wearing an "Ambassador for North Carolina BBQ" apron that he was selling himself — and his idea of BBQ was cooking burgers and hot dogs ON A GAS GRILL? IN NORTH CAROLINA? THAT'S NOT BBQ, YOU LEFTIST NINCOMPOOP! I live in New York and even I know that.
There's nothing better than BBQ—except for winning this Senate seat, of course. pic.twitter.com/oEsDXIZ5O2
— Cal Cunningham (@CalforNC) September 28, 2020
People were quick to smoke Schumer like a brisket that Democrat consultants wouldn't know what to do with if you gave them a pellet smoker and an eight-hour head start.
Calm down people, it is not raw/cold, it is a veggie burger patty underneath a slice of tofu
— Mr. Paramount (@RealMrParamount) June 17, 2024
Seeing that piece of cheese on a raw patty pic.twitter.com/YpLx4QnQ6i
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) June 17, 2024
The entire ordeal was almost as embarrassing as professional wrestling podcaster Bryan Alvarez not knowing what "the cookout" was.
Bryan Alvarez puts raisins in his potato salad.
Meltzer makes mac and cheese with vegetables. https://t.co/FWiyKT6Q37
— Brodigan (@brodigan) June 13, 2024
As of this writing, it is unclear if Democrats have dispatched "independent" "fact" checkers to "fact" "check" Schumer's tweet or any of right-wing Twitter mocking him for it. Biden has kept them busy last week.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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