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CultureFebruary 26, 2021
Clay Travis' Bad News for Liberals: 75%+ of Sports Fans AREN'T Woke and He Explains Why Not
The biggest "culture war" battle is leftists demanding their agenda be inserted into every aspect of entertainment. If you have a platform, it should only be used for that. You can basically break down America into two groups. One group just wants to shut off the news once in a while to relax with a TV show or enjoy sports. The other group is all "f*ck you, bigot" and trying to cancel Mr. Potato Head. Clay Travis is a hero who loves boobs and the First Amendment. He's also someone who just wants to enjoy a game. Though, if you have a contrary opinion that's to the right of Karl Marx, you should be able to express it. For this, other reporters think he's directly responsible for the Capitol riot.
Travis believes those of us who just want to be left alone make up an overwhelming majority. Sports fans specifically. Here he is explaining why.
Sports Fans Have Rejected Woke Sports. This Is What Comes Next | Clay Travis | MEDIA | Rubin Reportyoutu.be
I believe 75% of sports fans are in no way woke. Because sports is the ultimate meritocracy. If you are the best at what you do, you get paid the most and you are allowed to excel. That's what should happen in all of American society. Instead, we're bringing identity politics and cancel culture to sports. And I think 75-80 percent of sports fans don't want woke sports. They don't want to sit around and talk about what a hero Caitlyn Jenner is.
Sports fans don't care about a glass-shattering placekicker if they can't put points on the board, is what he's getting at. Though note to Travis, Rachel Levine the new hero. I just don't know how fast she can run a decathlon.
The rub is while the vast majority agree with us, the slim minority make up the vast majority of the decision-makers. They're the ones who (allegedly) bully people into pandering over whatever the social left wants them do. The rest of us are just expected to deal with it. Either that or boycott all entertainment everywhere.
I prefer option C. Speak out about it. Support people who have the balls to put their money where their mouths are: Steven Crowder, Gina Carano, Clay Travis, etc. And just tune all the woke tw*ts out. It's surprisingly easy to do once the game starts or the Octagon door slams shut.
Legal UPDATE: Twitter Suspended Crowder! | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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