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CultureMay 28, 2021
Clay Travis Advises Woman Whose Husband Refuses to Take Mask Off During Sex
Clay Travis was named as one-half of Rush Limbaugh's replacements on Thursday, along with Buck Sexton. It's fitting. While El Rushbo never said so out loud, I'm sure he too was fond of boobs and the First Amendment. Travis joined Tucker Carlson and made it clear he's going to tackle the issues that truly matter to the American people. Such as what to do if your significant other is so addicted to panic porn, they won't take their mask off even during coitus.
It's in reference to a woman who wrote to Slate. Her husband insists on staying masked up during sex making. Quote: "When I have tried to present him with the science, he says, 'Scientists don't fully understand the virus yet.'" Travis dropped some sage-like advice.
Tucker makes big announcement about Rush Limbaugh's successorsyoutu.be
First of all, if the woman had any sense at all, she would leave her husband. Because if you're masking up at this point, why do you want to be with someone who is such an emasculated loser and be betrothed to him for the rest of your life. I would lose my mind if I was this woman. Having said that, I'm about to go out to dinner with my own wife. Maybe I should put on four masks just to be safe so I don't manage to impinge on anyone.
It's moved beyond a theater of the absurd to a level of mindlessness. That the party of science is now embracing fundamentally anti-science beliefs with no legitimate basis of reality.
One point I left out earlier is that the man also doesn't wash his mask. So there's that.
I agree with everything Clay and Tucker say here, but I do have one dissension. How do we know it's not the woman's fault? Maybe the man just doesn't want to have sex with his wife, and the mask is his excuse. Guys will say anything to get out of having sex. We'll also say anything to have sex. It's a vicious cycle.
More important is a bigger problem Americans are going to have to come to terms with. So many of us have spent the last year and a half using the pandemic as an excuse to get out of things we didn't want to do anyway. Need to get out of a three-year-old's little league game? Just say there might be too many people not socially distanced there. You're insistence on trusting the science was a reason not to go to family gatherings when wrestling was on. And yes, masks were a good enough excuse to blow off the 4 out of 10 you met at a bar and accidentally gave your number.
"But Fauci says... " was a universal get out of adulting free card. Some of us aren't ready to deal with that yet.
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