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CultureJanuary 18, 2022
Liberal Columnist: Your Kids Should Be Taken Away From You in the Name of ‘Equity’
We’ve been predicting it, and now, someone is feeling comfortable enough to say it outright: the left wants your children. With everything going on, was this ever in question? They say you shouldn’t determine what your kids learn in school. They take them to gay bars for field trips. And they indoctrinate them into their grotesque, sexual ideology. All the while, they attempt to make pedophilia palatable to the public.
Now, the left is coming out to say parents shouldn't even have the right to raise their children. This isn’t a Babylon Bee piece. Joe Matthews, writing for the VC Star, writes,
“Institutions from dance ensembles to tech companies have publicly pledged themselves to equity. But their promises are no match for the power of parents. Fathers and mothers with greater wealth and education are more likely to transfer these advantages to their children, compounding privilege over generations. As a result, children of less advantaged parents face an uphill struggle, social mobility has stalled, and democracy has been corrupted. […] My solution — making raising your own children illegal — is simple, and while we wait for the legislation to pass, we can act now: the rich and poor should trade kids, and homeowners might swap children with their homeless neighbors.”
Matthews attempts to base his argument partially on Plato’s Republic, in which children are surrendered to the Guardians to be raised. But while he’s trying to sound well-read and learned by referencing Plato, he simultaneously beclowns himself. It’s widely believed that Plato’s Republic is a satirical piece. Referencing many of the ideas presented in the piece would be like referencing Jonathon Swift’s A Modest Proposal, but then I’m sure Matthews would be okay with eating people, too.
I also don’t believe little Matthews bothered to read Republic in full, either, because the entire birthing program in the book is overtly eugenic. Although, with all the racism on the left, perhaps he does support such a program.
He goes a step further, though, arguing that such a plan would appeal to the left and right in equal measure. Now, his reasoning for the left may very well be true, as he says such a move would “dismantle white supremacy and outdated gender norms,” and the left will go to extreme lengths for such phrases.
But he argues, likewise, that Republicans should support it because they have no issue taking children from illegal aliens who cross the border. Being the ignorant twit he obviously is, Matthews doesn’t bother to take into account that the separation policy at the border began under Clinton (See Flores v. Reno). Whoopsie! Regardless, the contention is asinine. The notion that because criminals can’t take their children to jail with them—a policy that is enforced for all who commit crimes (I’ve yet to see the parent who gets arrested in the U.S. and gets to drag their children to the jail with them)—would translate into, “let’s all just toss our children into a heap and leave” is just… ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe it.
Needless to say, Matthews’ arguments are moronic, half-baked brain diarrhea. If the left was comprised of serious people, this column would have never seen publication. His editor would have looked him in the eyes and fired him on the spot for being such a clod. But the left isn’t serious. They are insane. So, Matthews’ editor read it over, gave him a thumbs-up, and began to dream about all the children he’d try to collect.
They want your children, y’all. There’s no denying this truth. The battle started a while ago, and we’ve not been so good at even holding the lines. Parents have begun waking up, recently, but it’s time to take the fight to them and reclaim your children from the hands of those who would have them stripped away from you.
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