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InternationalFebruary 16, 2022
Crowder Rants: Here’s What Americans Can do to Support the Freedom Convoy
The nightmare in Canada continues to develop into something most westerners could probably only imagine being the plot to a dystopian Hollywood flick. The country has had its people locked down for two years now, forcing businesses to close, locking up religious leaders who dare to practice their faith against the desires of the fascist regime, and now, they are literally conducting a tyrannical crackdown on legitimately peaceful, patriotic, cop-hugging Canadians!
This stuff just can’t be made up. Nothing is more f*cked up than the reality we currently occupy.
But while the Canadian Freedom Convoy has managed to inspire peaceful movements of similar fashions around the world, what can we do to help them? I mean, they’ve definitely earned some help from the rest of us currently suffering under governments who could turn into Trudeau-esque dictatorships at a moment’s notice, right?
Canada Goes Full 1984! Activates 'Emergencies Act' to Deal With Truckers! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
“They definitely need your moral support.”
As the Canadian government works with various agencies to shut down options for the protesters to get their message out and raise funds for the movement, it might be that moral support is one of the few ways we know we can help.
What about a trucker convoy protest in the United States? Can we get this going in solidarity? Just as peaceful, just as orderly, and just as *HONK*!
We’d love to see it happen! Rumor is that it might be happening. Only time will tell, I suppose.
We might need to start setting up an underground railroad for some of our friends in the frozen north who might need to escape Justin Castreau’s iron grip. They definitely have more of a claim to asylum than the people rushing our southern border just trying to escape poverty. Canadians actually have a government attempting to stomp on their God-given rights.
Keep our trucker friends in your prayers and do what you can to help! We freedom-loving patriots are all in this together!
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