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EducationAugust 19, 2021
School District Bans CRT, This Black Father's Passionate Speech Against It May Be Why
Leftists are beginning to regret locking down America. When parents were forced to slow down, they had an opportunity to see what their local governments were up to. It's easy to ram radical agendas through when people aren't paying attention. Parents, students, taxpayers, and voters are all paying attention now. And they're speaking out. This goes double when it comes to school and their children's education.
Concerned parents joined together and got the leftist latest attempt at rebranded Marxism banned from a Colorado school district. This passionate speech by father Derrick Wilburn is a key reason why,
Derrick Wilburn, District49 School Board meeting, 8.12.2021youtu.be
Racism in America would by and large be dead today if it were not for certain people and institutions keeping it on life support. Very sadly, one of those institutions is the American education system. I can think of nothing more damaging to a society than to tell a baby born today that she has grievances against another baby born today simply because of what their ancestors may have done two centuries ago.
There's a famous quote that says, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." School board meeting by school board meeting, we're seeing a diverse group of patriots taking it to heart:
- Iranian Immigrant Father Explodes on 'Disgraced' School Board's Latest Indoctrination Attempt
- Black Mother Obliterates School Board Over Critical Race Theory: 'Look at Me!'
- 'Are You Serious?': Parent Wrecks School Board Members Who Claim He Can't Succeed Because of 'White Folks'
- Asian-American Parent Disembowels School Board Over 'Anti-Racist' Virtue-Signaling
- Black Dad Hammers School District for Teaching Daughter Her White Mom's 'Evil' AND It Manages to Get Worse
With schools starting to go back and the teachers' unions proving once and for all how much they hate students and parents, it's only going to become that much more important for people to speak out. Or, if you are unable to, amplify those who do. Remember, there are more of us than there are them.
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