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CultureAugust 05, 2021
'Never Gonna Happen': Dana White Takes Brave Stance Against Vaccine Mandates for UFC Fighters
UFC President Dana White is the most based president in America. At least, until we get to say the words, "President Ron DeSantis." While the sports media was demanding sports pander to panic porn, White told them to go f*ck themselves. He found a way to stay in business and as a result, the UFC DURING THE PANDEMIC had its best year yet. A fact that Dana White was happy to rub in the media's smug little faces. He also thinks you can shove your corporate wokeness up your arse. Dana has a very colorful vocabulary.
The new thing is demanding companies mandate their employees make a certain personal medical decision. That's never going to happen in the UFC, as per President White.
I would never tell another human being what to do with their body. If you want to get [your Faucie Ouchie], that's up to you. That's your choice. You're never going to hear me say I'm going to force people to get [their Faucie Ouchie]. Never gonna happen.
That's your decision, your body
It will be interesting when/if the UFC comes back to New York City. Socialist buttmunch Bill de Blasio just announced a citywide mandate that businesses discriminate against a certain class of people unless they get their shots. White had said he'll run UFC events, but he's only "going to go where [he] can run a normal event." de Blasio's mandate discriminating against UFC fans, many of whom are people of color, isn't going to fly.
We were supposed to go to England and that didn't work out. We're moving that to Vegas and the plan is New York but if New York doesn't work out, I'll move it somewhere that it will.
Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) want a federal mandate. They can't get one because of our pesky Constitution. They want to turn Americans against each other, hoping that we'll turn to our government and say, "please, mandate how we live our lives." So they have to rely on bullying, coercing, and "strongly encouraging" businesses to force a mandate for them.
The UFC will not be one of those businesses because unlike a lot of other company presidents, Dana White has testicles. He stands for his employees and his fighters.
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