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ArticlesApril 17, 2018
David Hogg Advertises Another Boycott, Gets Mocked By Classmate
I thought we were done with David Hogg. I was actually planning on sending Stormy Daniels a card and some nice flowers for knocking him off of the news. Or maybe those flowers should go to YouTube after a crazy person shot the place up. But anyway, he's back. Like herpes. Or leftists when they hear a gun go boom. Except you can live with herpes. Or so I've heard.
Let's give Hoggzilla some credit. He must know everyone thinks he's a douchelord. So he's living the gimmick with tweets like this:
Obviously, it's going to be Sean Hannity. Though, the last boycott of a Fox News celebrity was less than successful (see Ace Hardware Resumes Advertising with Fox News and Laura Ingraham and Laura Ingraham’s Ratings Shoot Up Despite Leftist Boycott). But it's going to be Hannity. Unless he's boycotting the Daily Wire for all of his classmates poisoned by one of their fecal matter infused tumblers. I might be inclined to join him if that's the case.
This is just a desperate cry for attention. And a pathetic attempt at trending on social media. It was totally his idea too. Not Media Matters or any of the other leftist political organizations. He's a big boy doing big boy things.
Hogg is like one of the monsters Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa send after the Power Rangers. If Zedd and Rita are blue checkmark Twitter. Thankfully, we have Kyle Kashuv as a Megazord.
First, kudos to Kyle for the He-Man reference. There may be hope for these kids yet.
But the big question how to defeat Boycott-Man. His weaknesses are red meat, going to the gym, and girls. He gains his strength from soy. It's like spinach for Popeye. Only spinach makes you strong. The best thing to do is starve Boycott-Man of his main energy source: attention.
Though, the occasional post making fun of this assclown is ok, especially when his nemesis mocks the little sh!t.
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