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CultureFebruary 19, 2019
Dear Jussie Smollett: You're a Bigoted, Racist, Attention-Seeking Piece of Sh!t
Dear racist, hateful liar Jussie Smollett:
You, Jussie Smollett, are a piece of sh!t. A jab borrowed from Steven Crowder, whose video yesterday included plenty of your quotations accompanied by fart sounds. If you think this open letter is going to divert from the poopy sentiment already established by Steven, no. Sure, there will be insight peppered throughout, but expect plenty of sophomoric mocking made at the expense of, so far, 2019's smuggest douche diaper: you.
We live in stupid times. A period historians should designate as "the era of honored victimhood." A time when the successful are derided, the purposefully weak are lionized. Media pays far more attention to those wantonly helpless members of the victim class than those who've come by their success honestly -- through notable accomplishments, rather than whining about some flavor of a first world plight which they allege holds them back.
Naturally, this era of stupid victimhood is perfect for a little-known actor looking to beef his IMDB.com profile with roles attained through sympathy from fellow haters. Why rely on merit when one can fully embrace unjust vilification instead? Tis the leftst way.
Yes, it may be conjecture, but my guess is you were looking to get ahead in your career by gaining a little notoriety via TrumpHate(TM) -- a largely imaginary phenomenon resulting from leftist projection onto white males in red hats. Because when one looks at actual crimes against people of a certain race or belief, one finds plenty of Trump supporters and conservatives are the victims of leftist rage, not the other way around. In fact, one could argue being a gay black man such as yourself, makes one a certain kind of royalty, free from cultural criticism. As if there was a decree issued to the common folk: Thou shalt not mock the black man who sucks cock.
Fortunately, I am not burdened with this modern notion of polite decorum.
Jussie, you are the embodiment of hate. Everyone who heretofore granted you with their support should separate from you with swift urgency, as one may flee a room full of boofing old men, who pulled their fingers in tooting, synchronized unison.
You perpetuated a fake crime by painting a group of people as racist bigots. Because, in my estimation, you hate people of a certain race. Making you a racist, no? You were even willing to let innocent people take the fall for your fake crime all for... what? A few extra jobs granted to you by fellow white-hating racists? A seat at the hostless Oscars where you'd never be on your own?
You're far worse than just a simple hack. You're worse than Hollywood's most desperate attention whores, some of whom get down on their knees and open their mouths wide just to get ahead. For while most attention whores are willing to put themselves, and only themselves, at risk, you wanted to implicate a swath of people, an entire voting and racial demographic, to push your public persona. Knowing the media would march in lockstep.
You deserve to be charged and punished for your crime, both in a court of law and the court of public opinion. Not only did you try to frame Trump supporters, but you also exploited victims of actual racism and homophobia, thus trivializing real victims of both.
That's right, Jussie Smollett. Just as people who cry RAPE when no rape has occurred, you crying RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA when you hired your attackers, harms actual victims. Every time someone makes up a crime, real victims of real crimes are taken less seriously. For more on the concept, read about The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Or consult a mirror.
Karma is a cruel but loyal mistress. May she visit you with all the attention you actually deserve, the punishment you require, and the abandonment of support you never earned.