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2024 ElectionJanuary 29, 2019
Dear Kamala Harris, You Anti-Gun, Opportunistic, Hypocritical Skank...
Dear slutty Kamala,
Firstly, why do I call you a slut? Because according to your ex, former Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco, you're a slut. If you find the word "slut" offensive, may I offer you some other choices? Harlot, whore, prostitute also apply. I'm speaking here not as a woman inflicted with internalized misogyny, but someone who considers herself a word enthusiast. See, according to your former beau, you received a few political favors in exchange for bedroom nookie. Not unlike a street-walking whore who exchanges sexual favors for cash or blow. See what I did there?
Look it, you have all the right in the world to be a skank. Your body, your choice, as you're fond of saying. Should you choose to use your front hole in lieu of talent, who am I to stop you? Except as I recall, you anointed yourself a leader of the lauded #MeToo movement. Which I think would frown upon ladies selling their sexuality to men in positions of power. Maybe? Hard to know what the current rules are these days, since they're never applied equally.
But enough about how you're a hypocritical hoe. So what if what could be your entire political career is based on your willingness to lie on your back, legs spread. Or maybe I have it wrong. Maybe you scuffed up your knees. The details matter not. Forest. Trees. You understand. That was then. Let's talk about now.
Now you're all about taking rights away from Americans, simply because your rabid base of California crazies are all about that fascism. Oh no, I get it, you say you're against fascism, but come on. You and I both know the truth. You like it dirty.
At your town hall event with Jake Tapper, you said the Second Amendment has no place in society. I'd argue sleeping with a married man has no place in society, but let's try to move passed that slutty flaw of yours. Let's focus on how your current position on Americans' rights is a big problem. For those in the audience who aren't hoe bags, here's a summary of what you said:
“You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers."
I just love it how when it comes to guns, suddenly you care about killing babies. Since you're a pro-abortion, baby-killing apologist. Maybe the only way for leftists like yourself to make amends with scary black rifles is if they were used to kill "fetuses." I bet you'd also be in favor of removing bans on certain magazine capacities, if an AR-15, not a curettage and vacuum, was the instrument of choice in abortion. I can hear it now "Safe, legal, rare, with a pistol grip for better aim."
Kamala, while you're considering who to screw next, do me a favor: define "assault weapon." Then tell me what a semi-automatic is. Based on your comrades in the Democrat party, you're as familiar with guns as you are morality.
You, Kamala, are an American because way back in 1776ish -- give or take a few years -- a rag-tag group of underdog patriots used their guns to fight off the British. Who were then ruled (and some may argue, are now ruled) by a tyrannical douchecanoe who wasn't keen on personal rights. Instead of taking a series of injustices in stride, our forefathers and foremothers locked, loaded, and told those accent-possessed ninnies to go shove it up their pasty white bums.
250 plus years later, hashtag no regrets. And, thanks to our Founding Fathers' foresight and a keen understanding of how power-hungry whores work, the Second Amendment was conceived and carried to full term, promising Americans the right to keep and bear arms in order to prevent tyrannical rule. Go see The 2nd Amendment: Liberal Edition! and The Second Amendment: Is It For Muskets Only?! for more entertaining facts.
Will you watch those videos I just hyperlinked out of the goodness of my heart? Rhetorical question. When you're a whorish leftist like yourself narrative > facts. But hey, someone had to be the bearer of truth, may as well have been me. Someone who doesn't grant sexual favors to get ahead.
So Kamala, when you're out there pretending to be a champion, a hero, a savior for us all, just know we see through you. We all know you're nothing but trollop eager to take whatever she can get in exchange for power.
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