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CultureJuly 01, 2019
Dear Media: Your Failure to Condemn Antifa Proves Donald Trump is Right About You…
Dear far-left, rabidly anti-Trump media:
One of your own was attacked by Antifa this weekend. Andy Ngo is an independent journalist who's actually interested in reporting more than he is interested in virtue signaling about how much he hates Trump on Twitter. Which I cannot say for Jim Acosta, Brian Stelter, Rachal Maddow, or any number of your illustrious media members, be they reporters, anchors, or models for frightening choices in haircuts. Regardless for which outlets Ngo reports, he is a reporter. A journalist. A member of the media. Based on how highly you all esteem yourselves, you'd think just to be part of media, regardless for which outlet one reports, would enter one into the elite club of firefighters dashing into the fray to get the truth. Well. Andy Ngo dashed. He entered the fray. He got the truth. He also got bashed around, milkshaked, and was in the ER with a brain bleed.
Most of you were nowhere to be seen or heard from.
Let's now skip down memory lane when Donald Trump called the fake news media the "enemy of the people." Specifically the fake news media. Not all of media. Fake news media. A statement you all turned around into "all media." Thus proving Trump right while you were calling him some kind of incarnation of Stalin. Fake news media = enemy of the people. That was Trump's sentiment. Sorry I had to repeat that, but no I'm not actually.
Let's go through the history:
And here's a video of Donald Trump tussling with the personification of fake news, rude news, and overall smugness, Jim Acosta. The "fake news is the enemy of the people" line is at the end.
Now, you tell me. A reporter is attacked by Antifa, and the media does what with it? Do you condemn Antifa? Do you defend Andy Ngo after he was attacked by Antifa? Or do you ignore it altogether if not dismissing it by saying Ngo "incited" Antifa?
Let's check in. Jim Acosta's Twitter had, that I could see, nothing about Andy Ngo.
But here's this lovely man who is but one of many "media types" treating Ngo's story with disrespect if not all out flippancy.
Also, Tim Pool is right. Burns, don't it, Nathan?
But credit where due to Brian Stelter who at least condemned what happened to Ngo:
Brian Stelter seems to be the lone figure here in a sea of media stalwarts who love to be media stalwarts. Brian Stelter. Let that sink in for a second.
In fact, as we covered already, "fact-checking" website Snopes weighed in by saying Ngo "said he was attacked" despite ample video evidence Ngo was actually attacked.
So, back to Trump saying "fake news is the enemy of the people."
- A few outliers like Stelter aside, how is Ngo's story and history with Antifa not being more broadly covered and condemned?
- Where is the outright media condemnation of Antifa as a whole?
Antifa is a violent faction which should be condemned regardless of what party you vote for down the ballot. Antifa is a plight on the American way of life. Antifa claims to be "anti-fascists" but they are the fascists. They are violent against their opposition and use fear and intimidation to bulldoze their way through cities. Police in leftist cities like Portland and Seattle do almost zero to stop them, because Antifa is a leftist faction.
Therefore Antifa is ripe for media investigation, condemnation, and future Pulitzer Prizes.
And yet... not much coverage from left-wing media outlets. So because an organization like Antifa proclaims itself to be anti-Trump, because media is so anti-Trump, the two of you have seemingly formed a bond. Antifa commits violence against Americans. But usually the "right" kind of Americans, like people who wear MAGA hats or otherwise right-leaning folks. Therefore, in the eyes of media, Antifa gets a pass. The enemy of my enemy kind of thing. Classy.
So tell me again how "fake news media" -- media obsessed with spreading lies and narratives (like reporting Donald Trump said "all media" is the "enemy of the people") -- the same media which seemingly supports violent Antifa which is physically harming people, isn't the enemy of the people?
From where I sit, Donald Trump is right. Leftist outlets concerned mostly with spreading unsubstantiated stories like OMG Russia, while ignoring true threats against real Americans, like Antifa, are the enemy of the people.
How are you not?