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CultureSeptember 05, 2021
Diner Refusing to Serve Biden Supporters Forced to Close. They Became So POPULAR They Ran Out of Food!
Feel-good stories feel really good sometimes. We spend a lot of time on "everything sucks," "everything is terrible," and "oh my god, someone do something." The occasional reminder that the wheels haven't come completely off the planet helps center us. Take the DeBary Diner in Florida as an example. Early this week, the diner was in the news for a sign on their door telling Biden supporters they were no longer welcome in the diner. It was posted after the Kabul terror attack that killed thirteen service members. Some people hold Biden responsible for their deaths.
By "some" people, that includes the diner owner, a few of the Gold Star Families that Joe Biden's incompetence turned into Gold Star Families, and the patriots who have flocked to the diner in such huge numbers, the diner had to close because they ran out of food.
The diner quickly stocked up and reopened. And the massive support continued.
Angie Ugarte says she's gotten phone calls from all over the world offering support and picking up the tab for veterans. And while she received some death and bomb threats -- leftists tend to threaten violence when you go against their preferred narrative -- reactions have been mostly positive.
All from a sign that read: "If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere."
And you know what? Good for her. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) are currently celebrating major corporations that have come out against Texas's abortion restrictions and demanding others follow suit. Not unlike when the left celebrated major corporations speaking out against Georgia's common-sense voter integrity reform. If leftists can demand major corporations validate their partisan worldview, Americans can support a small business that is standing up for what they believe in.
Hopefully, more businesses follow suit. This is also the same Joe Biden paying people not to work, then blaming struggling restaurant owners that they aren't paying enough. If a small business has to choose what customers to serve due to staffing shortages, the customers who voted for the guy causing the struggle can go eat a d*ck rather than whatever that night's dinner special is.
God bless the DeBary diner and all the customers who are rallying behind it!
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No Regrets from Biden about the Afghanistan withdrawal?! Featuring Gerald A. #shortsyoutu.be
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