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ArticlesMarch 20, 2019
Donald Trump Schools Democrats on the Importance of the Electoral College
Cheiftess Elizabeth Warren of maybe 1/1024th South American Native Heritage, in order to make an impression and break from the herd of 2020 presidential contenders, said it was time to retire the Electoral College. Shorter: she pandered to low information voters. Shorterer: she wants the stupid vote. We have an Electoral College for very good reasons, see Top Five Reasons We NEED the Electoral College. The topic was, frankly, too good for even el presidente the Donald to pass up. He dropped some knowledge on the low information pandering sore loser Democrats with these two tweets:
He's right. We have the Electoral College to make every vote actually count, contrary to what the Democrats are selling the American people. Specifically the stupid American people.
Again, I already covered why we have the Electoral College and how it actually equalizes American voters across the country, rather than handing all the power to San Francisco, LA and New York City. Read Top Five Reasons We NEED the Electoral College.
Then Donald tossed in this little number:
I'm not sure why he scare quoted strange, but other than that, he's right on. The Democrats are upset they lost, they're afraid they're going to lose again, so rather than playing by the existing rules, they're attempting to change the rules, to rig the game in their favor. Democrats know they control the big cities. Ergo they want to disenfranchise those people who live in middle America by killing the Electoral College. Then, as Nancy Pelosi recently stated, they want to lower the voting age to 16: again, appealing to low information people. Giving a 16-year-old the vote is like handing a toddler a power drill.
Then they'd like to stack the court with more numbers in a transparent attempt to lock in more justices of their own once Trump's term is finished. Not the first attempt from the Democrats, either, FDR tried the same, actually.
Basically the Democrats are losers, they don't want to keep losing, so they're trying to cheat. They're specifically trying to cheat Americans. Nice try.
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