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EducationAugust 09, 2022
Watch: These three teachers demonstrate exactly why you shouldn't trust your children to the public schools
If the public school system had its way, all of your children would be polyamorous transgender furries before they even start learning to do basic arithmetic. For you neophytes, that means they would be into relationships involving more than two people, believe they were a gender or genders (many make-believe) other than the one they actually are, and dress up as cartoony-looking animals for the purpose of sexual play. And if you don't believe me, just go spend a few minutes on Google.
Example after example, teachers have proven time and time again exactly why they shouldn't be allowed within 100 feet of a minor let alone left alone with a room full of them! Aside from the fact that there is a growing list of teachers being arrested day after day for molesting, assaulting, harassing, or otherwise preying on young students, there is a large and growing contingent of them looking to permanently mentally damage and physically disfigure them. (Shout out to Libs of TikTok!)
Take this woman, for example, believing it is her sworn duty, her calling in life, to ensure parents are left unaware of their children's mental and emotional struggles. She's working to make certain these students never get the therapy they may require, hoping instead that they grow up injecting hormones into their veins and hacking off body parts because that's just being authentic.
Teachers keeping secrets about a student’s transgender or non-binary identity from parents 🚩🚩 pic.twitter.com/TBijuociFG
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 8, 2022
Or what about this woman, who hasn't a single concern for the wishes of her students' parents or for the mental and emotional development of the children left in her charge. She's going to push her "tolerance" campaign on them whether they understand what they're watching or not. She's going to make sure all of her students learn what drag is, what gay means, and urge her students to practice drag!
Elementary teacher in @AustinISD played a video for students to teach them about drag which also encourages kids to be drag performers pic.twitter.com/uBcbyWWldl
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 8, 2022
Now, those two monsters were sociopathic g______s. We can't say the g-word because it's like dropping the n-bomb now or worse. To quote the great intellectual giant Rick Sanchez, "It's like the n-word and the c-word had a baby, and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews."
This last teacher, though, is just a mentally deficient narcissist who will indubitably lead her students down a road of ignorance, stupidity, mediocrity, self-mutilation, depression, and ultimately, utter failure. There is no child who will leave her classroom at the end of the year unscathed, spared from the very same brain disease she herself is presently suffering from.
These are the people teaching your kids pic.twitter.com/2xGO1UYM8R
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 9, 2022
Why shouldn't you be allowing your children to go to public school? It isn't because of the infinitesimal risk of catching COVID--an illness with a 99% survival rate for them. It isn't because of the astronomically rare possibility of a random school shooter. It's because of the 100% possibility that they are going to be taught by several teachers--because it will certainly be more than one of them--who will do everything within their power to destroy the person they are and the light that they may have brought to this world. These teachers are actively working to snuff out everything that could make your child a fully functioning, intelligent, creative, and wonderful human being so as to leave them a broken and empty shell to be filled with radical leftism.
Is that what you want for your children?
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Everyone Making Discovery's New Drag Kids Show Should Go to Prison-- | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
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