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SourcesMarch 29, 2024
Easter Special 2024
Today, Gerald and the gang will get into historical accounts of Jesus Christ both religious and non-religious, references to Jesus in other religions, how Christians mark Easter, how Easter came to be, and what it all means.
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre
- Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 49
- The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
- Shmuel II (II Samuel) - Chapter 7
- Mashiach ben Yossef
- The Messianic Idea in Torah
- Yeshayahu (Isaiah) - Chapter 53
- Who Is Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah)?
- Why Did Pontius Pilate Have Jesus Executed?
- Acts 5 New King James Version
- A Comprehensive Listing of References to Jesus (‘Isa) in the Qur’an
- Who Is Jesus, According To Other Religions?
- And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allāh."
- Minaret of Isa
- How Christ’s Incarnation Differs from the Hindu Idea of Avatar
- The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?
- Unearthing the World of Jesus
- Jospehus’ Description of Jesus
- MITSanhedrin: 43a
- Lucian of Samosata : THE PASSING OF PEREGRINUS
- The Orthodox Church believes in Christ’s real death and His actual resurrection
- “We believe in God who is creator of the flesh; we believe in the Word made flesh in order to redeem the flesh; we believe in the resurrection of the flesh, the fulfillment of both the creation and the redemption of the flesh”
- Now is Christ risen from the dead
- Beyond Ishtar: The Tradition of Eggs at Easter
- Ostara and the Hare: Not Ancient, but Not As Modern As Some Skeptics Think
- The Easter Story
- Matthew 26
- Mark 14
- Luke 22
- John 13
- Why Is Easter Celebrated in Spring?