![Elizabeth Warren Takes Pandering to Trans People to a New Level [VIDEO]](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=23139321&width=980&quality=85)
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ArticlesJanuary 31, 2020
Elizabeth Warren Takes Pandering to Trans People to a New Level [VIDEO]
Politicians pandering in a panic is never fun to watch — it's hysterical to watch. Especially if it's executed by hackish hacks like Elizabeth Warren (see This Father Just Owned Elizabeth Warren on Her Socialist Economic Policies [VIDEO] and Elizabeth Warren Refuses to Shake Hands with Bernie Sanders [VIDEO]). With the Iowa Caucus only a few days away, the once front-runner now finds herself out of the top tier. In some polls, she's even on the wrong end of Amy Klobuchar. I guess Warren didn't have a plan for that. So it's time to pander in a panic. Since trans people are still #1 in the left's pound-for-pound most marginalized rankings, that seems as good of a place to pander as any.
As much as the leftists enjoy trying to out pander other leftists when it comes to trans issues, Warren really takes it to a new level.
It would be sad were it not so funny. I'm just disappointed Warren didn't insist the transgender person be an indigenous tranny.
Because why stop at just a young trans person? Why not find a young black trans person? Or a half-black, half-latino, non-binary young trans person? Obviously, it would have to be a female-to-male half-black, half-latino, non-binary young trans person. If there's one thing leftists have shown us in their pandering is that, when it comes to trans issues, they don't care what girls think.
So wait... maybe it should be a male-to-female trans person of color, since the left doesn't care what people born as women think of the transgender female movement.
Who else has a headache?
Poor Liz. She's showed such promise. It brings a tear to your eye to see her in free fall like this.
Had to. Not sorry.
A tear of laughter. But a tear none the less.
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