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EducationJuly 26, 2021
4th Grader Told to Keep 'Equity Survey' From Parents Speaks Out, What Her Mom Says Should Concern ALL Parents
A 4th grader told a school board last week her teacher made her take an "equity" survey she couldn't show her parents. Let's recap.
Student says she was told not to discuss CRT survey with parentsyoutu.be
That statement alone is alarming. That statement alone should cause parents to flip tables and cause a scene. Your child is being given homework assignments they are told NOT to show you. Haylee Yasgar and her mother Kelsey addressed the incident further. And it manages to get worse. Kelsey says not to blame the teacher. (h/t The Post Millennial)
Minnesota mother shocked after her 4th grade daughter was given an "equity survey" in class and allegedly told "not to repeat any of the questions" to her parents. pic.twitter.com/zq5DZeWRzA
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 26, 2021
"I do want to say though I believe that this wasn't a single case that her teacher made this decision. We had been informed that this came down from the administration and Equity Alliance of Minnesota instructed them to make sure the children did not share this information with their parents."
I'm still going to blame the teacher. The teacher has the ability to say "f*ck you, I'm not doing this." It's a public school so it's not like they can get fired. But the decision to tell kids not to tell their parents about this "equity" survey? It came from the administration and THE PROGRESSIVE ACTIVIST ORGANIZATION WHO WAS GIVING THE SURVEY.
The school administration, who we pay for with our insane school taxes, is instructing children to keep things from their parents because an outside organization told them to. An outside organization with a radical political agenda. School boards are taking their marching orders from activists groups. Or, the school boards are choosing groups they are politically aligned with and using them as their patsy. When you see parent after parent after parent shows up at school board meetings about their children being indoctrinated, it's not always the teachers doing the indoctrinating. Indoctrination consultants are brought in.
Our kids being told by any school official "don't tell your parents" about anything is a redline. Whether it's a redline for school board recall or homeschooling, that's up to the parent. But these "elected" officials only get away with pulling this junk if we let them.
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